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Huron Church News
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
The Very Rev'd Dr. Kevin George
The Rev'd Jim Innes
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
The Rev'd Allie McDougall
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Laurel Pattenden
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B.J. Pratt
Articles from our Columnists
Retirement and the wisdom of the years
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I AM RETURNING to an article called Waiting to Exhale that I wrote and published 10...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Distinguishing between real and AI-generated images
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) has made significant strides in image generation...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
How do we communicate God's love in God's world?
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt AT AN EARLY STAGE in my ministry, I was given the...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Prayer as a longing for God and a means to relationship
Christmas at St. George's of the Blue Mountains: It was a very welcoming surprise with attendees in numbers that...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
NEW IS LIFE: Having courage to seek opportunities that may be scary
CHANGES ARE COMING TO ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL: A community that has chosen to be disrupted, disturbed and even...
The Very Rev'd Dr. Kevin George
Duality – when great achievements coexist with flawed beliefs
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes IN THE LATE 19th century, a complex individual was born on January 14, 1875, in a...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
The fall of X = The rise of Bluesky
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque THE FALL of the Bro-man empire has been quick, but Blue Skies are ahead. Over a...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Glance in the rearview mirror but keep your eyes on the road ahead
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt AS I THINK BACK across the years to January 4,...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Being church in a season of secular competition
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, in the Village of Clarksburg, Ontario,...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Nuking the family, rebuilding the village
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall THE SEASONS of Christmas and Epiphany offer us a natural entrée into reflecting...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
When ministry doesn’t go as planned
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott EVERYTHING WAS SET! After months of careful planning,...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
A well-poured Guinness (Moving from a dark narrative to a dark beer)
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes A FUN COMMERCIAL... In a London pub, three people take their first sips of Guinness...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Marketing tools for churches: Google Ads and Google Ad Grants
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque CHURCHES ARE increasingly turning to digital marketing tools, such as Google Ads...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Advent and Christmas blues
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall AT THE TIME of submission, it is a blustery All Saints Day. The secular...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
Invitation to the experience of prayer and devotion
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt THE CACOPHONY of Christmas commercialism, with all...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Catholic renewal and re-enchantment
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall IT HAS BEEN SAID that the diversity of Anglican expression is one of its...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
Nature's unpredictable force (The story of Lucas)
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes THE POWER of nature is truly immense. It has the ability to both give and take beyond...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Fostering a supportive atmosphere on your Facebook page
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque MOST CHURCHES have a Facebook profile, whether a FanPage or a private group....
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Provincial Synod 2024: At the Crossroads of Sacred Pilgrimage
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott THERE ARE many reasons why I would use the word ‘sacred’ to...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
'Let us remember them': Becoming a place of renewal and hope
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt WHENEVER the calendar pages turn to the month of...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Halloween: Christian origins and secular culture
Halloween in the hands of secular culture has been almost completely severed from its Christian origins as the eve...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
The empathic journey (Implementing Charitable Love)
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes HERE IS a plausible scenario: Pro-Palestinian protesters meet up with pro-Israeli...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
LET IT GROW...! Celebrating the world's rebirth
IT'S JUST KEVIN By Very Rev. Kevin George CATHERINANNE and I recently traveled to the ‘holy land of Newfoundland’...
The Very Rev'd Dr. Kevin George
Change, transition, and Thanksgiving
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt THE TWISTED wrought iron door handle felt familiar....
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
The end of social media: A misconception
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque THE IDEA that social media is on its deathbed is a recurring theme in many...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
When church feels like homecoming!
"The family of faith that I call home": St. George's of The Blue Mountains ACW GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev....
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Learning from the collective wisdom of our Elders
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The Church has found great value in setting a...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Did you have a 'brat summer'? (Anxiety vs. Nostalgia)
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McGougall Welcome back to another volume of Field Notes. Summer 2024, while only half...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
Understanding hate while craving a safe harbour
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes We all long for a secure and comforting home environment. However, despite this...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
When summer lies upon the world...
IT'S JUST KEVIN By Rev. Canon Kevin George Those who know me well know that I love to read. They also know I have...
The Very Rev'd Dr. Kevin George
TikTok, Reels and Edu-tainment: Basic tips
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Edu-tainment is a growing trend in education, and churches are beginning to...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Relational outreach: The courage to try something new
Blair Henderson with his Youth Kitchen team at St. George's of the Blue Mountains GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
"Father forgive" (The message of symbols)
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Over the years I have collected a lot of “stuff”. My...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
The deification of Taylor Swift
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall Love her or hate her, Taylor Swift is indisputably one of the most important...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
Workday miracles: Your good fortune as part of a bigger plan
Just the idea that life includes miracles is an excitingly optimistic view that fills our minds with endless...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Extraordinary love poured out in very ordinary ways
Bob George is on the far right front of this photo IT'S JUST KEVIN By Very Rev. Kevin George In his book You are...
The Very Rev'd Dr. Kevin George
Making space for friendship and testimony
A recent MEN'S GROUP meeting at St. George's of the Blue Mountains GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
A variety of talents have been poured into us
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt An impact of following the Church calendar, filled...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Photos, photos, photos: The power of visual communication
By harnessing the power of images, church communities can foster deeper connections with their followers online....
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
'When I look back, I am certain that love is what got me here'
Installation of the new Dean of Huron and the Rector of St. Paul's, April 7, 2024 IT'S JUST KEVIN By Very Rev....
The Very Rev'd Dr. Kevin George
Jim and the Juno journey: Navigating a complex new world
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I was pulled into watching the Juno Awards show because I knew it represented...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Caring for your clergy: The gift of Sabbath rest
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott With the marathon of Holy Week and Easter now concluded –...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Who am I? (Making your life story known)
If we say we really care for our families and friends, then why not place some time and energy towards planning...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
How to deal with negative comments on social media
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque In the fast-paced world of social media, negativity can feel like an unavoidable...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
The presence of priest and congregation in end-of-life ministries
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott There are few numbers that I dread seeing whenever they pop...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Climate despair and eschatological hope
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall In early February, I gathered with my fellow newly ordained clergy for a...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
Tending to the work: Remembering wild raspberries
IT'S JUST KEVIN By Very Rev. Kevin George I love berries. Raspberries are my favourite - wild preferably. I fell...
The Very Rev'd Dr. Kevin George
The passing of time: A powerful change agent
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes For many years in my ministry, I had been challenged by the liturgical season of...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
'Where Christ's command is duty, and every duty joy'
The joy of Easter 2024 is that there are places where the “flickering candles” of faithful witness are burning brightly.
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Avoiding the silo effect in our social media behaviour
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque In the age of digital interconnectedness, one might assume that social media...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Formation failure or formation defeat?
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott A group of Anglican priests and church leaders came...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
The evolving pressures of womanhood
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall With International Women’s Day approaching on the 8th of March, it seems only...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
Vulnerability: We must live with it, liking it or not
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I asked a retired friend to preach. He had been educated theologically and was...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Audire tener eloqui amare: There is more to the language of humanity
By Laurel Pattenden The experts suggest many things to keep our brains agile and healthy as we age. The dark,...
Laurel Pattenden
'Tears are the enemy of the devil'
James Tissot. JESUS WEPT (JESUS PLEURA). Opaque watercolor over graphite on gray wove paper. 1886-1896. Brooklyn...
The Very Rev'd Dr. Kevin George
Selling ourselves short: Social media and self-objectification
FIELD NOTES Rev. Allie McDougall Selling ourselves short: Social media and self-objectification The internet, since...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
How to spot AI-generated deep fake?
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque With the rise of AI, Artificial Intelligence, individuals need to be weary and...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
God’s work: Redeeming tax receipts and congregational budgets
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott With the conclusion of Christmas services and the ringing...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
It's not all doom: A word on progressive transformation
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The Canadian Charter of Rights states, "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Transformed by love: Listening to the voice of Holy Spirit
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Standing at the Lectern at the new All Saints Church in...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
What has Church been replaced with?
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall Those with an interest in church growth and development often refer to the...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
A few simple strategies to build your online presence
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Building your church's social media channels is vitally important for...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Finding the right ‘fit’ for service: When ministry stops being ministry
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott We all know how the story goes: A faithful member of the...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
When not trusting anyone is a matter of survival
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes In one of the recent Sunday services, we read a bible story called The Parable of...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
A note on words, actions, and prayer
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Words have power. This simple statement may not come...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Masculinity, authority, and the internet: Where does Jesus fit?
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall As the third decade of the 21st century unfolds, I have become increasingly...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
New Year Starlight: There is no other light that shines so bright
By Laurel Pattenden When we get ready for our new calendar year, familiar New Years’ Eve celebrations usually...
Laurel Pattenden
Christmas pyjamas and Christmas prayers
By Laurel Pattenden Christmas pyjamas have become a fashion statement over the last several years. Many stores sell...
Laurel Pattenden
For all of us who "walk upon the earth"
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt As the Archbishop of Jerusalem led a call for a day...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Turning off your livestream - is it time yet?
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque When is the time to turn off your livestream? This is a question I have asked...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Sing together with your neighbour!
How to resist congregationalist tendencies: An example from the Deanery of the Saugeens
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
'Letting go': the wisdom of leaves and trees
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Autumn leaves are falling, filling up the streets; golden colors on the lawn,...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Advent 2023: Journey of a jigsaw puzzle
By Laurel Pattenden A favourite pastime of mine is to put together jigsaw puzzles. Preferably one thousand pieces,...
Laurel Pattenden
Google or Facebook: Where to spend your advertising dollars?
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Deciding where to spend your advertising dollars, whether on Google or Facebook...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
"Young people" - Who are they and what do they want?
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall It’s not a secret that Anglicans have a demographic issue. It’s practically all...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
Umbutu... Ajuinnata... Remember...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Sometimes, all it takes is a single word to generate...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
'You have saved us': Experiencing the sacred through refugee sponsorship
The Husain Zada family GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott For two years, they were...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
If a sermon fails to project love, it fails to project God
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Jesus, in conversation with a postmodern theologian, asked, "Who do 'they' say that...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
'Praise God from whom all blessings flow...'
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt I was intrigued by a CBC interview with the writer...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Learning from Vincent (and the beauty of his sunflower)
NOT VINCENT By Laurel Pattenden “The sunflower is mine, in a way.” After attending the Vincent Van Gogh...
Laurel Pattenden
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes In 1209, Pope Innocent III persecuted a particular anti-Catholic sect, the Cathars....
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Be ready to shift your social media presence!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Twitter, once a vibrant and accessible platform, has gradually become a victim...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
On being Christian... and being Canadian
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt In recent days there has been some discussion about...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
It's for the birds: See, hear, pause, pray...
By Laurel Pattenden This summer I was able to vacation and visit family, for a short time, on beautiful Salt Spring...
Laurel Pattenden
The existential longing of "Barbie"
The following reflection contains spoilers for the “Barbie” film, proceed with caution!
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
General Synod: “The Anglican Church at its best”
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott For years, I have often wondered what it would be like to...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Schadenfreude vs. Freudenfreude: Relishing another’s misfortune
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Schadenfreude is the pleasure of witnessing another's loss, failure, embarrassment,...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Navigating the fragmented social media landscape
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque In the past decade, social media has revolutionized the way people connect,...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Put your Bible away for a while, or Appreciating degrees of grey
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes "Put your Bible away for a while!" Advice from a priest to a friend whose zealous...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Relational connectors: Raising up the ministry of deacons
Huron Synod, Pentecost 2023: Blessed both by the diversity of languages revealed to them and with the ability to...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Who will win the Golden Halo?
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The publishers of the Forward Day by Day devotional...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
My advice for this summer: Eat your vegetables!
By Laurel Pattenden Most of my time since I last wrote my February column on composting has been spent waiting. Not...
Laurel Pattenden
Edu-what? Edu-tainment! Here's what it is...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Edu-tainment is a growing trend in education, and churches are beginning to...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Soulful reflection: More questions than answers
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes More than a few years back, together with an Elder, I officiated at a funeral service...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Making space for levity: Fostering times of joyful fellowship
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott Over the past two years, this column in the HCN has...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
The White Cross of St. John: Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Fortitude
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Here is a question for our Diocesan Family: When...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Field notes: Do we know what's out there, beyond our walls?
As a millennial culture watcher, I am troubled by what I see taking root in the land beyond the church doors and...
The Rev’d Allie McDougall
Keep your website content up to date... and revise it, again and again!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Your website is one of the most important, if not the most important, tools to...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Easter in a snow suit: Dealing with the burden of awareness
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes On a fine winter day, I noticed a young toddler strolling hands-free beside her...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Attracting new members: A ministry of first impressions
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott As a priest, visiting new members can often be like a job...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
'A light heart is a long life': My reflections on Love
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Recently, while playing pool with a group of regulars, I was off the mark, missing...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Water of Life (Or: Why do we make our lives so complicated?)
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt A number of years ago, when I dipped my toe into the...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Good evangelism strategy: Brought to you by... the AI!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Over the years I have written many columns on technology and ministry, best...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Creating space for newcomers: Avoiding a 'Saran Wrap Welcome'
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Years ago, before my wife Jacqueline and I were even married, I...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Inclusive, all-embracing energy of LOVE
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As we move into the new year, I'd like to offer a priest's reflection on Love. Love...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
I am not a hoarder! (I keep telling myself)
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt I keep telling myself that I am not a hoarder. There...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Be transparent (and loud) about your mitigation measures!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque The Covid 19 pandemic continues as we learn, adapt, and implement mitigation...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Say Yes! to winter composting
By Laurel Pattenden A couple of months ago, I decided to start a winter compost pile. I know, right now you are...
Laurel Pattenden
A season for relational renovation
For even the most optimistic of church leaders, 2022 was another heartbreaking year. GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
This is the end! And the beginning!
The Farewell Tour ends here: I invite us to see change not as threatening, but as life giving. It's time we let...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
A foundation built of relationships: The story of St. Alban's, Duncan
‘Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock....
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
What to do before Twitter implodes?
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque As many of you know Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Space X, has purchased Twitter....
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
The Times – They Are A Changin'
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt My grandmother was born in the latter part of the...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
All my Christmas Eves (The Farewell Tour)
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery This is my next to last column in the Huron Church News. As the...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Resilience is courage supported by unquenchable hope
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The picture accompanying this article exposes extraordinary Resiliency. Captured from...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
A donkey that makes me smile
As we read the stories of the Birth of Jesus it is difficult to think of Mary and Joseph without a donkey being a...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
In defense of Ebenezer: Be open to a spark of hope!
By Laurel Pattenden Have you started to watch Christmas movies yet? There are so many genres within themed...
Laurel Pattenden
Leaders and learners – New LTh grants for Huron students
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott For many faithful Christians serving in the Church today, the...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The FIFA World Cup 2022™ will be played from 20 November to 18 December in Qatar. And...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Preparing to hold the baby
By Laurel Pattenden As we go through old photos or journals, we can revive moments in our lives that are etched in...
Laurel Pattenden
I've got the music in me!
(The Farewell Tour)
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
'All for the want of a horseshoe nail'
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Memorial services or gatherings at a Cenotaph in the...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
The heartbreak of Christ: Seeing blessings through the eyes of a refugee
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Both my congregation and my community have much to be thankful...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Fishing is boring... not!
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The sport of "Fishin" is an exciting process of decision-making and resourcefulness....
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Crafting a perfect message: typos, typos, typos
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Social media and digital managers, public relations, crisis management, comms...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
The Stephens' years (The Farewell Tour)
St. Stephen's Anglican Church in London, Ontario. MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery How do you take...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Question your day... every day of the year
By Laurel Pattenden Journalling has been popular for many years and with this popularity came an abundance of...
Laurel Pattenden
The power of Christian witness
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Of the many tools that Anglicans have at their disposal, to share...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
A sanctified grace that turns hardship to blessing
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As I write, hurricane Ian is approaching the Florida coastline at speeds close to...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Refresh and Relate: September’s relational checkup
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Of all the months in the Church’s calendar, September is, by far, my...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Why attending church matters?
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Normally, this column is reserved for tech tips for ministry, like why live...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Reconciliation - what shape does it take in your community?
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Reconciliation. How often has that word been used in...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Greater than, Less than, Equal to, Not equal to...
By Laurel Pattenden In Canada, summer is not a time to dally since it is so short. Full calendars, full of people...
Laurel Pattenden
Oh, Canada!
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes We have already breezed by Canada Day and all of July- way too fast! So, let us step...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Our communication skills are waning!
(The Farewell Tour)
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Feeling a connection: a central source of mental and physical health
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As I squeezed around an elderly woman driver in a construction zone, I was greeted by...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
The noble art of porch sitting
By Laurel Pattenden Porches are places for casual get-togethers or time alone. A place for looking at the world...
Laurel Pattenden
Sharing the stories that change hearts and minds
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott For anyone who loves this Anglican of ours, a heart-breaking way...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Put down your phone and consider a digital fast this summer
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Sometimes it’s necessary to disconnect from the world to reconnect with God....
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
'I'm Mike – from Camlachie!!'
(The Farewell Tour continues)
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
'AJUINATA' - Creating an energy of reconciliation
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada Mary Simon, an Inuit woman from...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
What is on your mind these days?
As we seek to bring healing, reconciliation and peace into God’s world, it is not our job to rush in with all the...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Go forward with a backstroke
By Laurel Pattenden Summer is soon here and let us live it with the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Live in the...
Laurel Pattenden
The rule of thirds: creation, curation, conversation
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque The social media rule of thirds is creation, curation, and conversation. For a...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
All for one, and one for all
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Reason or law will not end a conflict, unless one side has their backs to the wall....
The Rev'd Jim Innes
'The Bishop is coming!!'
(The Farewell Tour continues)
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
The return of the Prodigal Son: Moments of transition
Rembrandt van Rijn. THE PRODIGAL SON, detail (Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg) A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev....
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Turning on a dime: The resilience of Anglicanism in Canada
Churches that once complained that they didn’t have enough money to cover the week-to-week bills were suddenly...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Stick in the mud: Getting rid of hesitancy and fear
By Laurel Pattenden Spring and Easter go hand in hand each and every year. This spring and Easter we can also add...
Laurel Pattenden
Disinformation alert: How to spot fake news
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Many parents will blame their children's rowdy behaviour on too much sugar, but...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
When hearts grow cold and no one is listening
Populism results from a broken trust created when some feel their perspectives and needs are irrelevant to those...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
In the beginning − it was hot!
Keith Nethery - The Farewell Tour
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Raising up spiritual leaders for the future church
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott When I think back on all of the most impactful ministries that I...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Sacrifice, service, and salvation
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The calendar on my desk identifies the fact that...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Creating engaging posters and media
When looking for images for a website, social media post or poster, simply Googling an image and downloading it is...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
A real art of reading eyes only
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes A study once reported that if your parents didn’t have children, you wouldn’t likely...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
No column for March, or the game of 'Jaw Relaxing'
By Laurel Pattenden March is a month that, even though it takes up one twelfth of our year, it tends to feel...
Laurel Pattenden
Taste and see that the Lord is good
Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday herald the restrained meals of the Season of Lent. By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J....
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Love under the Republicans (or Democrats)
I was surprised when I was asked if I had ever read “Republican Like Me?” MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
I'll be here in 2040!
My response to the statement that statistics suggest our beloved Anglican Church will be “gone by 2040”
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Clicking hearts: Is there any more love to feel in this world?
By Laurel Pattenden Twenty years after George Orwell’s book Nineteen Eighty-Four, I bought my first Smiley Face...
Laurel Pattenden
Moral quandaries in a game of survival
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery I'm hopelessly addicted to Survivor, the TV reality show. There...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Another generation, another change
The world has changed rapidly, and though I appreciate progress, I sometimes wonder about its scrupulousness. AS I...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Changelessness in the face of change
The reality of our Lord’s love for us is also experienced through the actions and caring presence of people who are...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Finding God in difficult moments
While 2022 may continue to bring us both challenge and hardship, may it also bring us the gifts of flexibility and...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
How to protect your church from a cyberattack
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque This past December, a weakness was discovered in logging software named...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
A small picture in the big album of my life
There is no such thing as normal. We will always be looking forward and back as we try to find our way. MOSTLY...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Knitters of mind knots: A tale for overthinkers
Thoughts in, thoughts out, thoughts remembered, thoughts forgotten. Monkey mind at the best of times. Why do we...
Laurel Pattenden
How do you measure a year?
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt “Five hundred twenty- five thousand six hundred...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
The advent of Christmas: A peaceful blessing
The advent of Christmas is overflowing with reminders that Love, not Hate, conquers all. The most obvious of these...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Thank you Miss M. for the experience of the story
This Christmas, let us be in the cold with the shepherds, flying in the heavens with the angels, peering into the...
Laurel Pattenden
It is about the birth of a child that changed history
The Christmas I want is the one with a full church, thunderous Carols, palpable joy, and celebration in every...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
A few tips for short-form video content
Engaging a new demographic in the life of the church: The rise of short-form video allows individuals to be...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Our inner eye: Seeing God in all things
By Rev. Jim Innes In each human soul there exists a divine element, a kind of inner eye capable of glimpsing...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Lighting up our community relationships
A question to consider as we transition into another year of pandemic uncertainty: How is your congregation...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Days of celebration – Our story of faith
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt There is a certain expectation that a December...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Investing in the vocational leadership of tomorrow
Whenever I am asked about the ways in which we can best equip healthy and growing congregations in the present and...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Yep, let’s go down this road again!
By Laurel Pattenden We have all heard and used the expression “been down this road before”. It can be used...
Laurel Pattenden
'Call Me Indian': Fred Sasakamoose's life story
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery As we move into the crisp mornings of November, the hearts of a...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Uncertainty: a difficult lesson we learn to manage
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Put down the paper, fill a glass with water, take a sip...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt "Have you ever been shot or do you have any shrapnel...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
How might God use our buildings?
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott If all Anglicans truly believed that our buildings were tools...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
VR Church is here to stay!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Livestreaming major events, ordinations, Christmas, and Easter service was...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Pick a crisis… Any crisis…
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Pick a crisis… Any crisis… The summer of 2021 has...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
A basket of offerings
By Laurel Pattenden The fresh apples are filling the shelves at the grocery stores. All shapes of squash, bright...
Laurel Pattenden
Scrubs on skates: A renewed feeling of hope
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery It has long been said that hockey is almost a religion in...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
An opening in the canopy
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott One of the things most notable about the church grounds of St....
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
St. Mary is still giving birth
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Why has the young Mary, Mother of Jesus, become so important to people throughout the...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Come and join our community!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque We are in the middle of an election as I write this, and all the political...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
There are no words...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt “There are no words….”. The comments of a CNN...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
A brighter spiritual awareness
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As we move through the Covid crisis, something has been born within us individually...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
It's time to change our walking routes
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery I set out on my morning walk to plan what I wanted to write for...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
'Render unto Caesar...': Churches and tax exemption
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt During the month of July, a significant number of...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Finding our heart for outreach in the midst of the pandemic
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott In 2019, St. George’s the Blue Mountains came up with a new...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Mountain climbing anyone?
By Laurel Pattenden Many Canadians enjoy the opportunity to go hiking during the summer months. We are drawn to...
Laurel Pattenden
'Love is the most excellent way'
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery I have an informal policy when I go book shopping: I always pick...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Does success equal happiness?
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt A group I belong to recently had the opportunity to...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Hope springs eternal
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Whenever I fall into any wounded thinking patterns, I cannot find my way out until I...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Reintroducing prayers for relational growth
By Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott Allow me to start this month’s article by throwing out an argument for us to consider;...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
What is the world coming to?
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Child & Family Services of Kettle Point organized a special memorial event. Their...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Lift high the torch
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt There are emotion filled moments in life when words...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Do not create a language barrier!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque I love words. I love learning the etymology of words, their development over...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
My secret diaries – I'll keep doing it for a while
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery For over a year now, Hana Scorrar and I have been writing daily...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
We are perfect in our imperfection
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I am 62 years old, going on 63. And I find myself emotionally and spiritually...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
It's phishing season, again!!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Recently, there has been a barrage of phishing emails sent across the diocese. A...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Put on all the armour which God provides...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt WAR! Now that I have your attention – (I will be...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
We are the storytellers of this generation
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Extensive periods of limited outside activity over...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
A note on 'normal things'
By Laurel Pattenden “Only when normal things are not normal anymore do we realize how special normal things are.”...
Laurel Pattenden
Countering Anglican tribalism: A more diverse Church
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Last month I hosted a class on congregational growth and...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Settlers of Catan: Let me tell you a story...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery Communication is simply telling a story that effectively gets a...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
The stories that remind us who we are
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The measurement of time is something which may be...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Colour coded doors
By Laurel Pattenden As everyone’s region changes Covid-19 colour code as quickly as the corner traffic light, I am...
Laurel Pattenden
Redemption is not a one-time event
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I don't remember much of my daughter's growing years. I feel a lot of grief around...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Facing the challenges of the moment
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Chirstopher B. J. Pratt “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death where is...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
The circulation of the saints
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Sociologist Dr. Reginald Bibby has been studying the cultural...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Shout out your shout-outs!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque A Shout-out is a short public acknowledgement. It's usually to recognize someone...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Are you ready for Back to Church Sunday?
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque The pandemic has demonstrated the value of social media and communication in...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
The risk of reinventing our relational practices
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott So far in this column, I have been sharing a little of the...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
It's March, go and fly a kite
By Laurel Pattenden The association of March and wind has been with us since elementary school. Arts and crafts...
Laurel Pattenden
Be sure to do it the right way... Archie's way
The Venerable Archie Skirving died on Christmas Eve. He served God's Church for sixty years, more than forty in the Diocese of Huron
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Counting your blessings: the lessons of the pandemic
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I was permitted to share the story of one of my congregants. He and his wife go to...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Building relationships: more than hitting the “like” button
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque If the pandemic is teaching us one thing, it is the importance of the web-based...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
What keeps you coming back?
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott It has been my experience in ministry that often the sharing of...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Groundhogs and hearts
By Laurel Pattenden What do you get when you put a groundhog and a heart together? Well you get February! What...
Laurel Pattenden
Counting our blessings: Justice begins on the inside
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes In the last few weeks, the Christian church has been celebrating the season of...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Facts and opinions: “I am right because I say that I am right”
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery I shared a post on Facebook recently that I thought was...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Reclaiming the parish by serving the neighbourhood
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott Local theologies are the ways that the everyday members of a...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
It is still Christmas!
By Laurel Pattenden As we journey through Advent and get nearer to Christmas, I am hearing more and more comments...
Laurel Pattenden
Tossing aside less crucial portions of a tradition?
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION Rev. Canon Keith Nethery As we begin the final month of 2020, people are, no doubt, still...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Introducing a new all-in-one online platform for churches
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Recently the Diocese of Huron has entered into a partnership with
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
What motivates the Church? Understanding local theologies
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott Last month, I argued that fear of congregational decline,...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
What can I give Him, poor as I am?
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt One of my favourite Christmas hymns is a thoughtful and...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Letting go of the old, discerning the new
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Earlier in the month, I had bought a special sale car wash. This bright sunny...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Going places you are not sure you want to go
By Laurel Pattenden This is the time of year I begin my wandering quest for the perfect book to journey with...
Laurel Pattenden
Audience demographics: How to reach out to all ages?
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Who are you trying to reach on social media? As we start to think about setting...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Let’s start talking about church growth again!
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott Any contemporary text in theology, church history, pastoral...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Living forward… despite the obstacles
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Despite the challenging times and all the weighty news of violated peoples, we must...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Visit the well, it never runs dry
By Laurel Pattenden We can always learn. During this COVID-19 season of our life, I have already learned a few...
Laurel Pattenden
Welcome to the ‘New Normal’!
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque We have all heard the phrase, “The New Normal” thousands of times during this...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
What a wonderful world!
By Laurel Pattenden The calendar is empty but it is amazing how I feel like I am living the life of a whirling top....
Laurel Pattenden
What to do now when the plate cannot be passed?
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Social distancing has meant that the church has had to change and change...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Self-trust in a relationship
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As COVID-19 pulls us into self-isolation (which may be lifted by the time of this...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Holy Hannah: converting failures into success
By Laurel Pattenden Clowning is very rarely thought of as an art. I never thought about it until I signed up for a...
Laurel Pattenden
What to write and not be completely out of date tomorrow?
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery I’m cognizant of the fact that I am writing this on April 1. ...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Isolation calls for new points of reference
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The isolation called upon in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 may limit the...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Do you need more proof? Social media is a primary tool to ministry
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque In this new normal of living through a pandemic, our reliance on social media...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
The Lentiest Lent of my life
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt It all started out so simply. Two grandparents...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Yellow pages in a digital age: how to claim a listing for your church
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Whether it is Google, Facebook, Yelp or Bing, there are many modern replacements...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Christian thinkers and fantasy stories
Laurel Pattenden, Snow Scene By Laurel Pattenden Every year we have a little pocket of time in mid-winter that...
Laurel Pattenden
How to avoid emotional quicksand when triggers are everywhere?
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes During certain times of the year, we may find ourselves more susceptible to negative...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Short videos – a versatile and engaging format
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Heading into 2020 and keeping up with all the innovations in social media can...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
On the future of the Church: Are you in or are you out?
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery It dawned on me on Christmas Eve that this was the 25th Christmas...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Free Wi-Fi access in your church – plenty of reasons to provide it
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque When I meet someone for coffee I rarely meet at Tim Horton’s. I normally search...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
The cost of silence
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt In the waning days of 2019, I had written and...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
It’s January, again…
Laurel Pattenden, Birch bark (detail) By Laurel Pattenden The Christmas of 2018, I gifted myself a poetry book...
Laurel Pattenden
A new beginning
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt In the waning days of summer each year, I get a...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Reaping and sowing: are we truly in charge?
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes It’s late October, and I can’t help but enjoy the splashes of red and orange as I...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Take your earbuds out for Christmas
By Laurel Pattenden One of my favourite modern Christmas songs was written by Noel Regney and Gloria Shayne, and...
Laurel Pattenden
“The Good Death”: who should be in charge?
Dr. Theo Boer at the conference on medical assistance in dying, Huron University, December 2019 By Rev. Canon...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Self-regulation as a constant task: embracing life’s imperfect flow
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Are we ever quiet? I mean truly still? As living organisms, we throb with life...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
How silently the wondrous gift is given
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The view from the dome car as the train left...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Phishing for your personal info: how to protect yourself
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Recently someone seeking to use the goodwill of the people of the Diocese of...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Are we done or are we just getting restarted?
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION Keith’s top 10 or so things that we might think about in advance of the Episcopal election By...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Listening to the Divine guidance
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Before you read this article, I invite you to pause...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
How to generate the best welcome package
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque The welcome package is a sure-fire way to help newcomers learn more about your...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Entering the third chapter: a vision of later life
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes “As the wheel inevitably turns, how will we live?”(Sparrow Heart) We enter the third...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Removing visible signs of our faith: what should we do?
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt During the summer months various stories are shared...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
The virtue of patience
Notes on relational chaos (Part 2)
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Like, comment or share your church’s social media content
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Just how important is each user? How important is each like, subscription or...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Change in life – stability in faith
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt My grandparents began their lives in rural...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Scavenger hunt: looking for the lost words
By Laurel Pattenden This past Christmas season (do not worry you are reading the June edition!) I visited a...
Laurel Pattenden
We can’t run, we can’t hide – what can we do?
Notes on relational chaos (Part 1)
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Let us go to the empty tomb where the birds sing
By Laurel Pattenden I can hardly wait for spring. Nature bursting with new buds and countless shades of green...
Laurel Pattenden
Bearing the banner of the cross
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The details of his life are obscured by the mists of...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
A cat’s judgement
By Laurel Pattenden I really like cats. They are experts at knowing how to relax. Laying upon their favourite...
Laurel Pattenden
Building a welcoming website
By Rev. Marty Levesque I have said it many times: a professionally designed and developed website is no longer an...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
On funerals, weddings and baptisms
By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery Rarely do clergy gather together that the conversation doesn’t turn to funerals,...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
“The light shines on in the dark…”
By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Like a curtain being drawn across a window, shutting out the sun’s glare and...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
The art of peace: letting go of self-protectivnes
By Rev. Jim Innes “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”(Lk 23:34) The world is ravaged by...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Being connected – being accepted and loved
By Rev. Jim Inness “I’d rather starve in Newfoundland than live anywhere else”. This is a well-articulated...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Love overcomes hatred
By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt “Love overcomes hatred.” The Mayor of Gander, Newfoundland is shown offering...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Communication is a two way street
By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery After many years of writing this column, something new has begun. I’m getting...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Missing the point: on sacred and secular in art
By Laurel Pattenden Puttering around in the art studio is something I would like to do most days but another...
Laurel Pattenden
Our gatherings and our thanksgivings, now and then
By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt In a different century, I used to sit at what was known as “The Children’s...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
Analogue or digital? They work in tandem!
By Rev. Marty Levesque I fully admit to being a very amateur gardener. With a lot of dedication, a little luck and...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Auld Lang Syne: remembering old acquaintances
By Laurel Pattenden Just when you think you’ve got this Christmas season under control in pops New Year’s Eve right...
Laurel Pattenden
Christmas is about the creation of peace
By Rev. JIm Innes The bridging of the secular and the divine occurs each Christmas − symbolized in how both...
The Rev'd Jim Innes
Defending our faith by being willing to be challenged
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery Several months ago I picked up the book “Zealot: The Life and...
The Rev'd Canon Keith Nethery
Tips on how to garden your website
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Throughout this series, I’ve written in detail about how your website is often...
The Rev'd Marty Levesque
Provincial Synod 2024: At the Crossroads of Sacred Pilgrimage
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott THERE ARE many reasons why I would use the word ‘sacred’ to...
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Learning from the collective wisdom of our Elders
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The Church has found great value in setting a...
The Rev'd Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt