Turning to Grace for Parishes
Turning to Grace for Deaneries
Turning to Grace for Synod and Diocesan Council

THE OBJECTIVE of our Diocesan Plan is for each one of us to embrace the moment that we have been given and to believe and trust that the One who has promised is faithful. It is not about institutional survival, for it is not we who are called to save the Church. Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain (Ps 127:1); we already have a Saviour.

A second objective for us, collectively, is to get the will to do the things that we know that we need to do in order to be responsible stewards not only of those who came before us but also and perhaps more importantly for those who will come after us. Amongst the hard questions that must be asked is how our resources are allocated—existing, future, and potential.

And so the Plan tries to be direct and honest in its assessment of where we are and where we can be—always, endeavouring, as St Paul reminds us, to speak[…] the truth in love, so that we, in the Diocese of Huron, may …. grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ (Ephesians 4:15).

(Illustration: Christ and Abbot Mena, Coptic icon from Apollo Monastery in Bawit, Egypt, 8th century)