While the ultimate oversight of implementation of Turning to Grace rests with the Bishop of Huron and the Synod (Diocesan Council), day-to-day responsibility and accountability rests with the Archdeacon of Huron and Secretary-Treasurer, assisted by the Governance Coordinator.

All of the Archdeacons, including the Secretary-Treasurer, have responsibility for specific areas of the Diocesan Plan. As mentioned above in the “Word about Implementation and Responsibility” section, those individuals named under specific Acts and Activities are responsible for seeing that it is done, not necessarily for doing it themselves. Everyone in the Diocese, lay and ordained, has a role in ensuring the success of Turning to Grace. Huron Church House is responsible for coordinating the resources required. The Deanery helps people to see the wider picture and reassures individual parishes that they do not have to do everything themselves. The Parish is where most things happen. In this way, the Plan resembles the Church itself, the gathered Body of Christ.

Progress on the Acts and Activities of the Plan will be regularly discussed at the Archdeacons’ Residential meetings (three times a year) as well as at the monthly meetings of the Territorial Archdeacons with the Bishop, Secretary-Treasurer, and Archdeacon, Episcopal Office. A verbal report on progress will be made by the Secretary-Treasurer at all meetings of Diocesan Council, with a written report being provided annually at the June in-person meeting as well as at the Fall meeting of Synod.