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By Rev. Marty Levesque

In the past decade, social media has revolutionized the way people connect, share information, and engage with each other.

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have become household names, providing spaces for people and churches to express themselves, form online communities, and share the Gospel. However, the social media landscape is again undergoing a seismic shift, characterized by the fragmentation of the main players and the rise of niche platforms.

Traditional social media giants have dominated the digital space for years, but their one-size-fits-all approach is losing ground. Facebook daily users are for the first time declining. Niche platforms offer a tailored experience, enabling users to find like-minded individuals. Platforms like TikTok, Reddit, Twitch, and Discord have gained significant popularity with certain demographics.

The fragmentation of the social media landscape does bring many benefits. Firstly, it allows individuals to escape the noise and echo chambers often associated with mainstream platforms. Niche platforms provide an opportunity for diverse voices and opinions to flourish and come to the forefront.

Secondly, the rise of specialized platforms has created new spaces for communities to thrive. Users can find dedicated spaces to explore their passions, fostering creativity and collaboration within these niche communities.

While the fracturing of the social media landscape has its advantages, it also presents other challenges. One of the major concerns is the creation of echo chambers, where individuals are only exposed to information and viewpoints that align with their pre-existing beliefs. This can lead to polarization, misinformation, and a lack of understanding between different groups.

Also, as users migrate to niche platforms, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a sense of cohesion across platforms. The shared experiences and collective conversations that once occurred on mainstream platforms are now scattered across multiple platforms making it much more difficult to create a consistent message.

Engaging with diverse platforms can help the church overcome echo chambers, exposing congregants to a wider range of perspectives. Critical thinking and media literacy skills become essential tools for churches to consider and therefore ought to invest in training.

As we navigate this new terrain, it is crucial to strike a balance between the benefits of specialization and the need for a consistent message across all platforms. By embracing diverse platforms and fostering media literacy, we can navigate the fractured social media landscape and still share the Good News of Jesus Christ. It will just require more effort, and yes, more time.

Rev. Marty Levesque is the diocesan social media officer and rector of All Saints’ in Waterloo.