Rev. Jordan Murray and Rev. Enrique Martinez were priested at the Service of Ordination on June 24 (the Birth of St. John the Baptist)...
By Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott Allow me to start this month’s article by throwing out an argument for us to consider; one that, whether...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle “Now as (Saul) was going along and approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around...
By Michelle Houser The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) marked the close of the Say Yes! to Kids campaign on July 8, with a...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery I have an informal policy when I go book shopping: I always pick up something a...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque As part of the Google Business Suite (now known as Google Workspace) that is available to every...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott In 2019, St. George’s the Blue Mountains came up with a new idea! Inspired by...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt During the month of July, a significant number of church buildings...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery I set out on my morning walk to plan what I wanted to write for this column and I...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As we move through the Covid crisis, something has been born within us individually and globally. My...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt “There are no words….”. The comments of a CNN reporter looking...
By Rev. Steve Greene FINALLY!!! Since the last in-person service (March 8, 2020) we have endured many losses, many changes, many...
By Bishop Todd Townshend By now, the COVID-19 pandemic has frayed the last nerves of most of the population. If it hasn’t brought...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque We are in the middle of an election as I write this, and all the political parties are reaching...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle Take a moment to think about all the attributes that contribute to a first impression of you. What...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Why has the young Mary, Mother of Jesus, become so important to people throughout the world? It is not...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott One of the things most notable about the church grounds of St. George’s in the Blue...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery It has long been said that hockey is almost a religion in Canada. Under that...
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Pick a crisis… Any crisis… The summer of 2021 has been filled with...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle While he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at the table, a woman came with...
The third time proved to be a charm on Saturday, September 18, as parishioners at St. John-in-the Wilderness, Bright’s Grove, dedicated...
The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) has received an unprecedented wave of applications from across Canada in response to the Say...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle We, who have been steeped in the tradition and story of Christianity. We, who have heard the Gospel...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Livestreaming major events, ordinations, Christmas, and Easter service was something the diocese...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott If all Anglicans truly believed that our buildings were tools for ministry, how...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt "Have you ever been shot or do you have any shrapnel lodged in your...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery As we move into the crisp mornings of November, the hearts of a good percentage of...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Sharing and interacting with posts from your church is simple but it also shows to the world how...
By Rev. Lisa Wang Cat-a-who-when-what-all? “Catechumenal” might seem like a fancy new word for something strange and obscure, but in...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt There is a certain expectation that a December article being written...
If we can cultivate and encourage curiosity around all that God is seeking to do in our lives, and in the communities in which we live...
By Bishop Todd Townshend Grace and peace to you as we approach the seasons of Christmas and Epiphany! An update on proposed changes...
The things that Jesus taught his disciples are the very same things we have learned (and are still learning) as Christians today. By...
A question to consider as we transition into another year of pandemic uncertainty: How is your congregation reaching out to your local...
Engaging a new demographic in the life of the church: The rise of short-form video allows individuals to be informed, educated, and...
Whenever I am asked about the ways in which we can best equip healthy and growing congregations in the present and future, my go to...
By Rev. Jim Innes In each human soul there exists a divine element, a kind of inner eye capable of glimpsing something of God, for...
The Christmas I want is the one with a full church, thunderous Carols, palpable joy, and celebration in every moment. MOSTLY ABOUT...
The advent of Christmas is overflowing with reminders that Love, not Hate, conquers all. The most obvious of these are the festive...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt “Five hundred twenty- five thousand six hundred minutes…so dear. How...
There is no such thing as normal. We will always be looking forward and back as we try to find our way. MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By...
By Kyle Gascho “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” ... These are the first words of...
“It is good for us to be here": If you had only the clothes on your back and a bag... By Rev. Andrew Wilson In “the world’s...
By Bishop Todd Townshend Many organizations, including Anglican churches, spend part of January planning for the future. Part of our...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque This past December, a weakness was discovered in logging software named Log4Shell. Log4Shell is a...
While 2022 may continue to bring us both challenge and hardship, may it also bring us the gifts of flexibility and faithfulness to...
We risk allowing God’s light to shine on different ideas so that as a group we can strive to work through what is on our minds and our...
By Rev. Lisa Wang If we look back in time to the earliest centuries of Christian history, we can see that the Church has always been a...
The reality of our Lord’s love for us is also experienced through the actions and caring presence of people who are a part of our...
The world has changed rapidly, and though I appreciate progress, I sometimes wonder about its scrupulousness. AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery I'm hopelessly addicted to Survivor, the TV reality show. There have been 41...
Indwell has 66 apartments open in downtown London, and nearly 200 more deeply affordable units under development. The Deanery’s gift is...
By Rev. Matthew Kieswetter This past December the Deanery of Waterloo engaged with a four-part video and book study program called...
It should come as no surprise that from ancient times, the catechumenal process has been intimately linked to the liturgical...
Building a more just society is not merely a worthwhile or admirable thing to do; it’s an essential component of both our Baptismal...
If my premise is true, that the future of the Church will be found in how we choose to invest in our relationships gathered around...
I was surprised when I was asked if I had ever read “Republican Like Me?” MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery One...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes A study once reported that if your parents didn’t have children, you wouldn’t likely have any either....
When looking for images for a website, social media post or poster, simply Googling an image and downloading it is a violation of...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott When I think back on all of the most impactful ministries that I have been a part...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The calendar on my desk identifies the fact that four short days from...
Formation happens in so many different ways and places, because it embraces so many aspects of our lives as Christians. By Rev....
For all the times I thought that I knew how to do ministry, God has provided me that many times plus one, the understanding that...
By Bishop Todd Townshend This year, the beginning of April sees the end of the season of Lent and the beginning of our holiest time of...
Populism results from a broken trust created when some feel their perspectives and needs are irrelevant to those in power. AS I...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Many parents will blame their children's rowdy behaviour on too much sugar, but there's no actual...
(Jesus said) I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By...
As an Easter people, we keep the hope of this season central in our hearts, especially important as our world slowly emerges from the...
Churches that once complained that they didn’t have enough money to cover the week-to-week bills were suddenly investing in...
“Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” (Acts 8:30-31)...
To what extent can we use the strength of our faith in Jesus Christ to proclaim with our siblings across faith traditions that it...
Rembrandt van Rijn. THE PRODIGAL SON, detail (Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg) A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery Moving is not an easy decision at the best of times. When you contemplate moving...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Reason or law will not end a conflict, unless one side has their backs to the wall. By reason, I am...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque The social media rule of thirds is creation, curation, and conversation. For a truly successful...
SYNOD 2022 - WHERE WE ARE By Bishop Todd Townshend Each annual Synod is, among other things, like a snapshot in time of where we are...
By Rev. Ann Webber The 182nd Synod of the Diocese of Huron began with a barbecue and Synod Service at The Cathedral Church of Saint...
Notes tucked into bagged lunches made at Church of the Ascension in London lets recipients know someone is thinking of them with...
By Lawrene Denkers Q: How do you sum up nine weeks that are literally life-changing? A: You answer a few questions. In January and...
As we seek to bring healing, reconciliation and peace into God’s world, it is not our job to rush in with all the answers that we...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada Mary Simon, an Inuit woman from Nunavik, recently...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery The first time I watched John Morgan do “Mike from Canmore” on the Royal Canadian...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott For anyone who loves this Anglican of ours, a heart-breaking way to begin your day...
By Caroline Sharp I recently came across a scholarly article titled The Pastoral Challenge of the Environmental Crisis: Environmental...
By Kyle Gascho So how did I come to believe? As a young boy, I went with my parents to a Mennonite Church just outside of a little...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As I squeezed around an elderly woman driver in a construction zone, I was greeted by her warm smile...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery It seems appropriate that I write this on the second day of the Lambeth Conference...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes We have already breezed by Canada Day and all of July- way too fast! So, let us step back a moment....
A bus pilgrimage to Grand Bend sparks new ideas for the members of the Stratford Anglican community On August 9, twenty two...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Reconciliation. How often has that word been used in recent times?...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Normally, this column is reserved for tech tips for ministry, like why live streaming worship...
By Rev. Matt Martin Every single encounter with every single human being that we have throughout our lives effectively matters and...
The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: ‘Come, go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.’ So I went...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Of all the months in the Church’s calendar, September is, by far, my least favourite!...
By Libi Clifford Every year I am so very thankful that I live in a part of the world where there are four very different seasons in...
'I felt joined by the radiance of hearts, by the desire for good, by the joy of shared service': Fr. Gilles' first Eucharist at...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle Does your church have plastic plants? They can provide a useful source of colour in otherwise drab...
Lord, you have searched me out and known me; you know my sitting down and my rising up; you discern my thoughts from afar. Where can...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As I write, hurricane Ian is approaching the Florida coastline at speeds close to 250km/hr carrying a...
By Rev. Marty Levesque On September 26 at All Saints Anglican Church in Waterloo, approximately a hundred people gathered to say...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Of the many tools that Anglicans have at their disposal, to share the gift of faith...
St. Stephen's Anglican Church in London, Ontario. MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery How do you take a one point...
By Amanda Jackman Following a three-year stint in Cambridge, ON, serving both St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Luke’s, Pastor Steve has...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Social media and digital managers, public relations, crisis management, comms specialist, speech...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The sport of "Fishin" is an exciting process of decision-making and resourcefulness. It is an...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Both my congregation and my community have much to be thankful for. We live in a...
By Rev. Mary Farmer By the time you read this, we will all be back to the ‘new’ normal rhythm in our church communities, at least...
On Sunday, October 23, 2022, The Memorial of James of Jerusalem, Bishop Todd Townshend called the following to the Diaconate at a...
By Ven. Graham Bland Thunder Bay has a beautiful lakefront, inspired by Landscape Architect, Katherine Hope Dugmore. She died before...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle Mary* is looking for a trailer for the winter. The comment popped up as my friend and I were going...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque For the first time in a decade, Facebook's average monthly users have declined. Facebook numbers...
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Memorial services or gatherings at a Cenotaph in the centre of a...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery Well this cute title of a 1974 song by the Kiki Dee band was quite in doubt when I...
The Church of St. Jude sits on the busy intersection of Fanshawe and Adelaide in northeast London. Since 1953, this energetic parish in...
Bishop Marinez (centre) welcomed guests from Huron in September 2018. The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil, gathered at its...
We do not have to imagine the good work we are doing in some far-off place – they are coming to us, in our country and our...
By Michelle Hauser THE ANGLICAN FOUNDATION OF CANADA (AFC) has launched a Say Yes! to Kids (SYTK) communications hub to facilitate...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The FIFA World Cup 2022™ will be played from 20 November to 18 December in Qatar. And the question has...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle How many take advantage of ‘Black Friday’ shopping? How many shop on ‘Cyber Monday’? How much effort...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott For many faithful Christians serving in the Church today, the opportunity to attend...
Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque The demographic breakdown of social media platforms is very interesting and telling. The largest...
Bishop Bob blesses the food, and warmly welcomes the guests, to the reopening of the Fellowship Centre noon Meal at St. Paul’s...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The picture accompanying this article exposes extraordinary Resiliency. Captured from within our...
MOSTLY ABOUT RELIGION By Rev. Canon Keith Nethery This is my next to last column in the Huron Church News. As the Farewell Tour...
Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.For darkness shall cover the earth, and thick...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt My grandmother was born in the latter part of the 19th century in...
‘Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the...
The Farewell Tour ends here: I invite us to see change not as threatening, but as life giving. It's time we let God reinvent who and...
By Rev. Paul Wooley If you are not able to hear or properly discern the voices of the preacher, the readers, or the intercessor,...
By Caroline N. Sharp For as long as I can remember, I have always been repelled by extravagance. I was never comfortable in the...
By Bishop Todd Townshend Despite the promise of a new year, many of us are already feeling exhausted. It’s nothing new to feel a...
From left to right: Cathy Burghardt-Jesson, Mark Chortos, Jacob Shaw, Gail Lewis, Don Hiscox, Leigh Robinson and Friedhelm...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon As we enter this month of February, we continue in the season of Epiphany, the season of light. However, in...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle The story felt like one of those feel-good Christmas movies. A mother with four children, working...
Church of the Ascension, London Deanery, January 28: Informative and passionate presentations, informal discussions, sharing a meal...
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! [Psalm 100:1] By Rev. Paul Wooley One of the most important considerations, when...
For even the most optimistic of church leaders, 2022 was another heartbreaking year. GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque The Covid 19 pandemic continues as we learn, adapt, and implement mitigation measures to keep...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle Leading up to Christmas 2022, a winter storm hit that wreaked havoc throughout Ontario. People were...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt I keep telling myself that I am not a hoarder. There is, however,...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes As we move into the new year, I'd like to offer a priest's reflection on Love. Love has been the bane...
Coming to know God, and growing deeper in that relationship, is not something we were meant to do in isolation. And let us...
By Rev. Sarah Armstrong “Does God have a plan?” “What is your position on open table and the theology behind it?” “How can we use...
Volunteers from different Meaford churches serve their many neighbours By Rev. Brendon Bedford Sometimes the work of ecumenism...
By Julie Ryan As individuals, we have limited impact. Together, we can make meaningful change. This is the message that the London...
Mission first, kitchen later! On February 1 - the coldest day yet this winter - All Saints' Waterloo had their first mobile truck...
Let the wise also hear and gain in learning. (Proverbs 1:5a) By Rev. Paul Wooley A number of times I have been called to help...
At the most recent annual meeting, which took place in April 2022 via zoom, a call was made for the formation of a committee to...
By Michelle Hauser The Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) grants program will look substantially different in 2023 thanks to some...
By Caroline N. Sharp Lent has got to be the most exciting time in Jesus’ ministry. Everything he’s done for the past few years is...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon Questions… How many of them do you ask in an average day? How many do you answer? Some are very simple...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Grayhame Bowcott Years ago, before my wife Jacqueline and I were even married, I remember her...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Over the years I have written many columns on technology and ministry, best practices, and how to...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt A number of years ago, when I dipped my toe into the experience of...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Recently, while playing pool with a group of regulars, I was off the mark, missing more shots than...
Brothers in front of Holy Cross Priory (north of High Park in Toronto), the Canadian home of The Order of the Holy Cross since the...
Called to the Priesthood at a service of Ordination on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London: The...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott As a priest, visiting new members can often be like a job interview: new...
By Rev. Paul Wooley There are various reasons that some members of a congregation may have difficulty hearing the spoken word....
By Bishop Todd Townshend In the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter, God reveals the deep love that is continually poured out for us...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes On a fine winter day, I noticed a young toddler strolling hands-free beside her mother down a sidewalk....
By Rev. Daniel Bowyer Not only walls, but also excitement continues to build as the construction of the new church and community...
Growing into a new understanding of “ministry” as something in which all the baptized participate, group members grow in their...
By Rev. Greg Little I am at a point in life when I take six pills each day – some are by prescription and some are vitamin...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Your website is one of the most important, if not the most important, tools to keep your church...
As a millennial culture watcher, I am troubled by what I see taking root in the land beyond the church doors and our inability to...
On Sunday, March 5, Rev. Canon Lance Smith, associate clergy and congregation welcomed Bishop Townshend on his first official episcopal...
By Shirley Sewell and Linda DeBurger Approximately twelve members of The Rondeau Bay Transfiguration Partnership get together online...
By Sue Lafreniere What first drew me to the monastic tradition was my dear friend and faith mentor for the past 25 years, Margaret...
By Bishop Todd Townshend At the end of this month, delegates from across the Diocese of Huron will gather in London for our annual...
Bishop Lusa Nsenga-Ngoy: the champion of diversity Bishop Lusa’s visit will be a real gift to us. He was born in the Democratic...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle It is a typical Sunday morning. Worship has started. Loud utterances are heard outside signaling that...
By Bishop Todd Townshend Centuries before Jesus’ time, perhaps the most devastating experience for God's people Israel was “The...
By Rev. Hana Scorrar Missionary to Missioner… So, I don’t know if you’re on Facebook a lot, but I am, and like a couple weeks ago...
By Charlotte Toyne At 4:30 PM, on Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 2023, the 183rd Synod meeting began. The pews of St. Paul's Cathedral...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Here is a question for our Diocesan Family: When you are in our...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott Over the past two years, this column in the HCN has attempted to share...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes More than a few years back, together with an Elder, I officiated at a funeral service at Kettle Point....
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Edu-tainment is a growing trend in education, and churches are beginning to incorporate this...
By Rev. Paul Wooley A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.Proverbs 25:11 Whenever, either clergy or laity...
There will be times when you walk into a room and no one there is quite like you until the day you begin to share your stories. By...
By Laurel Pattenden Most of my time since I last wrote my February column on composting has been spent waiting. Not writing but...
Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, opened the 43rd Session of the General Synod of the Anglican...
General Synod Highlights for June 30, 2023: General Synod votes no to primatial term extension: READ MORE Ven. Tanya Phibbs...
Forty-Third Session of General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada concluded its work on July 2. More than 200 Anglicans from...
"Burning our ship": From this moment on, the parishioners of All Saints', Waterloo can only move forward. The old structure is...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The publishers of the Forward Day by Day devotional works known and...
Huron Synod, Pentecost 2023: Blessed both by the diversity of languages revealed to them and with the ability to communicate and...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon For the last number of years our Bishop has been emphasizing for us all the value of, among other things,...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes "Put your Bible away for a while!" Advice from a priest to a friend whose zealous thirst for...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque In the past decade, social media has revolutionized the way people connect, share information, and...
By Rev. Mark Wilton God is present in our lives. I've always known this. With help from the Holy Spirit constantly prodding and...
By Rev. Diana Boland June 4, 2023: Trinity Sunday. Four ordinary people were transformed by God’s grace and Bishop Todd’s anointing...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott For years, I have often wondered what it would be like to be part of the...
By Bishop Todd Townshend From June 27 to July 2 the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada met in Calgary, Alberta. The...
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall Love her or hate her, the Barbie doll has been a staple of popular culture since her invention in...
This issue of Huron Church News includes a copy of the Summary Report prepared by the Diocesan ACW Future Committee. This report...
By Annette Procunier Home for the Heart is the title of the funding campaign launched this year by the Sisters of St. John the Divine...
"Full immersion" - with a helmet and a shovel for now... Rev. Marty Levesque entering baptismal font in All Saints', Waterloo new...
By Scott Trinder For starters, I am a 'cradle' Anglican − brought up in the Anglican faith since birth. Growing up, I lived in...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt In recent days there has been some discussion about whether or not it...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Twitter, once a vibrant and accessible platform, has gradually become a victim of its new owner’s...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes In 1209, Pope Innocent III persecuted a particular anti-Catholic sect, the Cathars. They spoke against...
Patrick Martin was one of the four new deacons ordained on Trinity Sunday By Rev. Patrick Martin “As for me, I will be talking of...
Each summer after we bid farewell to our last group of campers, the staff work together to clean all our spaces, putting away supplies...
By Rev. BJ Dunbar Thinking back to the day of my ordination to the diaconate I recall moments of rush and hurry and moments like a...
The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) Board of Directors awarded the first-ever Category C grant of $50,000 to the Huron Farmworkers...
It looks like there is a revival of monastic orders in Huron. On Sunday, August 20, the Novicing Mass was held at St. Andrew’s...
By Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Hendry Is your church a safe place to ask questions?... These may be questions about your future, about...
As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one...
By Caroline N. Sharp You may or may not have read in the news that a Guatemalan firm has reached out to Canada in support of First...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt I was intrigued by a CBC interview with the writer and on-screen...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Jesus, in conversation with a postmodern theologian, asked, "Who do 'they' say that I am?" "They...
All Saints', Waterloo: Exterior - View from southwest By Rev. Marty Levesque When designing the new church and community centre...
The Husain Zada family GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Dr. Grayhame Bowcott For two years, they were separated. In August...
By Rev. Paul Wooley Imagine if you will the possibility of miniaturizing a radio station that is so small that you can put it in your...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Sometimes, all it takes is a single word to generate a moment of...
CLICK HERE FOR THE LIVESTREAM Bishop Townshend announces that the following will be called to the Presbyterate at a service of...
Called to the Presbyterate at a service of Ordination on the Commemoration of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Thursday, November 16,...
By Rev. Canon Preston Parsons Since our first lockdown nearly two years ago, we’ve done a lot of experimenting with worship. This has...
By Rev. Justin Comber There is an old saying in our church. It Has come to be an Anglicanism, and I have used it often, particularly...
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall It’s not a secret that Anglicans have a demographic issue. It’s practically all we talk about –...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Deciding where to spend your advertising dollars, whether on Google or Facebook depends on various...
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to...
In combining our three choirs, we have realized that together we create a depth of voices GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes Autumn leaves are falling, filling up the streets; golden colors on the lawn, nature's trick or...
By Rev. Paul Wooley In this second instalment dealing with wireless microphone systems, we will examine solutions for problems with...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque When is the time to turn off your livestream? This is a question I have asked myself many times...
By Rev. Kimberly Myer Our prayers at Christmas invited us to focus on the Christ Child. It provided us with the time to reflect upon...
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall As the third decade of the 21st century unfolds, I have become increasingly concerned about what...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon Have you ever had an unexpected guest drop over? Most of us have, perhaps someone was just passing by, or...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle This year’s Reign of Christ Sunday included the Gospel story about the sheep and the goats (see Matthew...
Three years ago, at St. George's, Goderich, they hoped that the newly minted community hall would be a source of revenue. Today they...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Words have power. This simple statement may not come as a revelation...
2023 Profession Mass Full Chapter (about half of the English-speaking segment Order present as well as four members of the Latin...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes In one of the recent Sunday services, we read a bible story called The Parable of the Talents. It is...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott We all know how the story goes: A faithful member of the Church serves in...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque Building your church's social media channels is vitally important for maintaining connections with...
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall Those with an interest in church growth and development often refer to the current North American...
Might a focus on Black History Month inspire us to engage with the stories and histories beyond our pews? Black History Month is an...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon Have you ever used your phone to find directions to some new restaurant or avoid traffic? What about logging...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Standing at the Lectern at the new All Saints Church in the Deanery of...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes The Canadian Charter of Rights states, "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, belief, opinion,...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott With the conclusion of Christmas services and the ringing in of the new year,...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque With the rise of AI, Artificial Intelligence, individuals need to be weary and media savvy now...
FIELD NOTES Rev. Allie McDougall Selling ourselves short: Social media and self-objectification The internet, since its inception,...
GIVING A VOICE TO OUR YOUTH event held on January 13 at St. Mark's. Photo below: Nolan and Callan Chrisley playing with the...
By Rev. Canon Greg Jenkins There are few ancient texts more beautiful than the poetry of Psalm 104. Creation and Creator are in...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I asked a retired friend to preach. He had been educated theologically and was experienced in the...
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall With International Women’s Day approaching on the 8th of March, it seems only appropriate to...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott A group of Anglican priests and church leaders came recently together...
If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque In the age of digital interconnectedness, one might assume that social media would be a unifying...
Hallelujah! Sing to the Lord a new song; sing his praise in the congregation of the faithful. (Psalm 149:1) By Rev. Paul Wooley For...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt “A sea of flickering candles shining forth the Light of Christ in the...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes For many years in my ministry, I had been challenged by the liturgical season of Lent. It took a long...
Glenda Fisher, Margaret Moroun, Jennifer Wilson, Jacqueline Moroun By Rev. Glenda Fisher It all started with one man, Joe...
By Rev. Craig Love In the middle of winter, I made my way to a farm for five days of silent retreat, a time for rest & prayer....
IT'S JUST KEVIN By Very Rev. Kevin George I love berries. Raspberries are my favourite - wild preferably. I fell in love with them...
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall In early February, I gathered with my fellow newly ordained clergy for a session of...
April 9, 2024 The Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, informed the Church of her...
ORDINATION Bishop Townshend announces that the following will be called to the Presbyterate at a service of Ordination to be held...
ORDINATIONS Bishop Townshend announces that the following will be called to the Presbyterate at a service...
Repurposing of the office building at 195 Dufferin Avenue is just the first step in reimagining the space around St. Paul’s...
By Rev. Paul Wooley If you have either recorded, downloaded hymn accompaniments, or used a MIDI file processed to create a recording...
By Rev. Greg Little Music has always been a big part of my life and continues so today. Yesterday, Lorna and I participated in a...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott There are few numbers that I dread seeing whenever they pop up on my cell...
CONCLUSION OF MINISTRYThe Reverend Ann Webber has concluded her ministry at St. Hilda’s-St. Luke’s, St. Thomas and Trinity, Aylmer.Ann...
Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque In the fast-paced world of social media, negativity can feel like an unavoidable nuisance....
If we say we really care for our families and friends, then why not place some time and energy towards planning and preparing for how...
By Bishop Todd Townshend Some will recall that I took a short sabbath leave for the first ten weeks of the calendar year. I am most...
INDUCTIONSOn behalf of Bishop Townshend, the Venerable Sam Thomas will induct the Reverend Canon Bill Ward as the Rector of the...
HURON ANGLICANS SAY YES! TO CAMP HURONThis year the Diocese of Huron is joining the Anglican Foundation of...
Service of Ordination held on Thursday, May 2, 2024, the Memorial of Athanasius of Alexandria, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul,...
INDUCTIONSOn behalf of Bishop Townshend, the Venerable Osita Oluigbo will induct the Reverend Richard Hetke as the Rector of the Church...
Holy Trinity/St. Stephen’s congregation would remain on site in the new build to provide community support, spiritual leadership and...
The recent performance of Gabriel Fauré's Requiem, on Good Friday, at St. Paul’s Cathedral, with 87 participants of the St. Paul's...
By Rev. Greg Jenkins When we hear the term "poverty", images of deprivation come to mind. We envision empty stomachs, barren tool...
We may speak of “strategic directions” for the Diocese of Huron but we can never forget that it is not our direction, it is not our...
By Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle On March 28, vigils were held around the province protesting the closure and lack of funding for safe...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott With the marathon of Holy Week and Easter now concluded – Alleluia, Christ is...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I was pulled into watching the Juno Awards show because I knew it represented Canadian Music....
Installation of the new Dean of Huron and the Rector of St. Paul's, April 7, 2024 IT'S JUST KEVIN By Very Rev. Kevin George On...
APPOINTMENTS Bishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Marty Keatings as the Rector (half-time) of the Parish of St. James,...
St. James Westminster in London saw the return of a great community tradition on Earth Day. On the evening of Monday, April 22, St....
RETIREMENT In consultation with Bishop Todd, owing to personal and family reasons, the Venerable Sam Thomas has resigned his...
By harnessing the power of images, church communities can foster deeper connections with their followers online. MEDIA BYTES By...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt An impact of following the Church calendar, filled with all of its...
Once a month at the Grand Valley Institution for Women our small group leads a celebration of Holy Eucharist that would be familiar to...
Vicki and Patti Paraschak prepare and cook Since 1957 St. Matthew’s has been very involved with various worthwhile outreach...
A recent MEN'S GROUP meeting at St. George's of the Blue Mountains GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame Bowcott The...
EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY OPEN HOUSES (Via Zoom, at 7pm): TUESDAY, JUNE 18; MONDAY, AUGUST 26 By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon In this final...
Just the idea that life includes miracles is an excitingly optimistic view that fills our minds with endless possibilities and our...
How can we say the dignity of a person who works full time is being respected when their wages are so low that they need the support...
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McDougall Love her or hate her, Taylor Swift is indisputably one of the most important pop culture figures...
Bob George is on the far right front of this photo IT'S JUST KEVIN By Very Rev. Kevin George In his book You are What you Love,...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt Over the years I have collected a lot of “stuff”. My collection of...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Todd is pleased to announce that the Venerable Rosalyn Elm has been appointed as the Co-Ordinator, Indigenous...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Amanda Longmoore as the Archdeacon of Western Huron, effective July 1, 2024.Amanda...
Service of Ordination held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the Memorial of Boniface, Archbishop and Martyr, at St. Mary’s (Walkerville),...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend announces that the Reverend Canon Dr Valerie Kenyon will be the full-time Rector of St Anne’s, Byron,...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Steven Maki as the Rector of Holy Trinity-St. Paul’s, Chatham,...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Steven Maki as the Rector of Holy Trinity-St. Paul’s, Chatham, effective August 1,...
“THANK YOU so much for your work to get Jessie there: I was blown away, very uncomfortable in the way I know means I need to change...
By Rev. Greg Little American essayist and wise woman, Helen Luke, in her book Old Age - Journey into Simplicity, writes of the...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend appoints the Venerable Sam Thomas as part-time Priest Associate and Director of Pastoral Care, St. Paul’s...
DECONSECRATION Bishop Townshend will preside at a service of Deconsecration for St. Mary's Chapel-of-Ease, 407610 Grey County Rd. 4,...
DECONSECRATIONBishop Townshend will preside at a service of Deconsecration for St. Mary's Chapel-of-Ease, 407610 Grey County Rd. 4,...
Parishioners from St. Hilda’s-St. Luke’s church in St. Thomas teamed up with the St. Thomas Rotary Club in June to provide more than...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Lisa Poultney as the Rector of Christ Church, Colchester, effective 1 September...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Ann Webber as Associate Priest with Responsibility for Children and Families...
By Bishop Todd Townshend After a very helpful consultation and improvement process, which happened across the whole diocese, our...
Blair Henderson with his Youth Kitchen team at St. George's of the Blue Mountains GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Rev. Canon Grayhame...
IT'S JUST KEVIN By Rev. Canon Kevin George Those who know me well know that I love to read. They also know I have zero motivation to...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes We all long for a secure and comforting home environment. However, despite this common desire,...
FIELD NOTES By Rev. Allie McGougall Welcome back to another volume of Field Notes. Summer 2024, while only half over at the time of...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend appoints the Reverend JoAnn Todd as the Rector of the Parish of the Holy Spirit, Seaforth, effective 1...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt The Church has found great value in setting a framework for worship...