1. Through small-group gatherings in parishes or Deaneries, re-examine our own learning about diversity that does not resonate with what we know about God. Extend these insights into conversations to encourage honesty about our own reluctances around issues of diversity.
    Who? Clergy and Regional Deans    
    When? Lent 2026

  2. Develop a plan to learn intentionally from places where this work is already advanced and identify and foster hubs and leaders for Diversity development pilot projects, 
    - Prioritize support for developing communities of the faithful who do not have “English” as a first language or culture.
    - Encourage a mixing of these differences around the Word and Spirit and our common humanity in Christ (avoid creating cultural enclaves)
    Who? Bishop and Archdeacon, Episcopal Office   
    When? Fall 2025

  3. Plant new and foster existing worshipping communities and parishes with an intentionally different ethos, one in each Archdeaconry to start.
    Who? Territorial Archdeacons         
    When? Lent 2027

  4. Convene a small group to re-boot Proud Anglicans.
    Who? Bishop and Archdeacon, Episcopal Office   
    When? Fall 2024