Deaneries (or regions) to develop multi-year learning plans that reflect a balance of groups amongst the areas (spiritual growth and development, theology and scripture study, environmental concerns, justice issues, etc.). Ideally such a plan would coordinate and make more widely available the individual parish initiatives.
Who? Regional Deans
When? For 2025-26 start
Relevant groups and individuals at the Diocesan level (e.g., Canon Catechists; Archdeacon, Life-Long Learning;Doctrine & Worship) to develop models and curriculum for sustainable, supportive, year-round patterns of learning at all levels.
Who? Archdeacon, Episcopal Office
When? One annually, beginning Spring 2025
Hold a workshop on prayer in each Deanery, including teaching and encouraging the laity to pray Morning and Evening Prayer.
Who? Regional Deans
When? 2024-2025
Identify resources for parishes and Deaneries may apply to support activities designed to foster a Learning Church.
Who? Secretary-Treasurer
When? Spring 2026
Offer a workshop on lay-led worship and preaching: what happens if the priest is not there? (To be coordinated with Licensed Lay Reader training.)
Who? Archdeacon, Episcopal Office & Chaplain to Licensed Lay Readers
When? Spring 2025
Appoint an organisational structure to lead and coordinate children and youth activities across the Diocese and make better use of existing resources (e.g., Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Godly Play, Messy Church, Gospel-Based Discipleship)
Who? Archdeacon, Episcopal Office
Whwn? Activities for Fall 2025
Establish Deanery (or regional) learning events annually for children and youth.
Who? Regional Deans & Territorial Archdeacons
When? Annually from Fall 2025
Require a personal pathway (plan) for life-long learning from all who hold a license of the Bishop as a Licensed Lay Reader, Deacon, or Priest. To be supported and guided by the Archdeacon of Life-Long Learning and Vocational Development as well as by other Catechists and guides.
Who? Archdeacon of Life-Long Learning and Vocational Development
When? 2024-25
Further develop and formalise the Learning Church Network, comprised of individuals and representatives with leadership roles in the Learning Church.
Who? Archdeacon, Episcopal Office
When? Spring 2025
Develop a Diocesan Resource Centre (website) for the Learning Church Network that curates and evaluates existing resources and disseminates information about activities. Existing resources include:
- Being Anglican and The Bible in the Life of the Church (Anglican Communion);
- The Way of Love (The Episcopal Church);
- Revive: Equipping Lay Leaders to Become Spiritual Leaders) (The Forward Movement/the Rev’d Dr Dawn Davis);
- Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries;
- The Difference Course (Church of England/Archbishop of Canterbury).
Who? Communications Officer/Technology & Resource Assistance
When? Fall 2025
Convene a meeting of the Canon Catechists to coordinate the writing and development of resources relevant to each individual area of speciality.
Who? Archdeacon, Episcopal Office
When? Fall 2025
Convene a semi-annual meeting of the Learning Church Network, facilitated by Huron Church House.
Who? Archdeacon, Episcopal Office
When? Spring 2025
Identify and develop potential future leaders for the Diocese and provide them with learning and experiential opportunities.
Who? Bishop
When? Fall 2026