Welcome to the home page of the Local Arrangements Committee for General Synod 2025.
Check back often for updates.
As the host for General Synod we want to help delegates have the best experience possible in London.
Events will take place at:
RBC Place (London Convention Centre) 300 York St. Most sessions will be here.
St Paul’s Cathedral, 472 Richmond St. Opening worship, Primatial election and closing worship and banquet will be here.
DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, 300 King St. Accommodation for most delegates and Primatial Farewell Banquet
Want to volunteer? Check out the list of jobs below with times and dates, then complete the volunteer application (coming soon.)
Looking for local information? Check out our list of local resources.
Questions? Contact the local arrangements committee at generalsynod2025@diohuron.org
Volunteer Opportunities
Note that some jobs may require a current Police Records check.