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At Harvest Thanksgiving, it has long been the custom of the people of Trinity Church in Simcoe to give their support to The Simcoe Caring Cupboard; a local food bank that the parish was instrumental in founding many years ago. This year the people of Trinity were asked to donate non-perishable items for children's lunch boxes to help local families in need. (Juice boxes, Fruit cups etc.) 

True to form, the parishioners answered the call and were generous in their donations that were placed before the altar on Thanksgiving Sunday and blessed before being delivered to the food bank.

"At this time of year we are reminded to be grateful for the bounty that God  provides for our needs in creation. In thankful response, to all the blessings that we enjoy, we respond in loving generosity to those who are less fortunate and need assistance. This is Faith in action: making a difference in our local community", commented Rev. Paul Sherwood, Rector.