Clergy Emails R-Z


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The Rev’d Gayle Rawlings
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Bonnie Rayner
St. John’s, Glencoe
The Rev’d Marjorie Reid
Retired Deacon
The Rev’d Kendall Reimer-Johnston
St. John's, Eastwood; St. Paul's, Princeton; Christ Church, Oxford Centre
The Rev’d Bryan Robertson
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Dana Rodgers
Retired Priest


The Ven. Richard Salt
Retired Archdeacon
The Rev’d Dr. Rishi Sativihari
Retired Priest
The Rev'd Dr. Joshua Samuel
Collegiate Chapel of St. John the Evangelist (Huron University
Captain the Rev’d Mark Sceviour
On Leave; Military Chaplain
The Rev’d Canon Robert Schroeder
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Hana Scorrar
St. James Westminster, London; St. Andrews, Muncey; Zion Oneida; Indigenous Ministries Missioner
The Rev’d Dr. Eileen Scully
On Leave; Anglican Church of Canada Director of Faith, Worship and Ministry
The Rev’d Jenny Sharp
Christ Church, Ayr
The Rev’d Paul Sherwood
Trinity, Simcoe; Chaplain to Lay Readers; Regional Dean of Brant/Norfolk
The Rev’d Margaret Shortell
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Paul Silcox
Church of the Epiphany, Kingsville
The Rev’d Dr. Dalice A. Sim
Retired Priest
The Ven. Dr. Gordon Simmons
Trinity, Watford
The Rev’d Sandra Sinnicks
Retired Priest
The Rev'd Canon Ann Smith
St. Andrew's, Harrow
The Rev’d Canon Lance Smith
Church of the Ascension, Windsor
The Rev’d Canon Sid Smithson
Retired Priest
The Ven. John Spencer
Retired Archdeacon
The Rev’d Frank Squires
Trinity, Cambridge
The Rev’d Joel Steiner
Christ Church, Ayr; Holy Trinity, Kitchener
The Rev’d Vermell Stevens
St. John’s, Tillsonburg
The Rev’d Canon James Stevenson
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Joan Stiles
Retired Priest
The Rev’d J. Keith Stokes
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Bill Strang
Holy Trinity-St. Paul's, Chatham
The Ven. Dr. Jim Sutton
Archdeacon Emeritus; Holy Trinity, St. George


The Rev’d Andreas Thiel
On Leave
The Ven. Sam Thomas
Retired Archdeacon 
The Rev’d Dr. John Thompson
St. John the Evangelist, London
The Rev’d Jo Ann Todd
Regional Ministry of Hope (St. John’s, Brussels; St. Paul’s-Trinity, Wingham; Trinity, Blyth); Parish of the Holy Spirit, Seaforth
The Ven. Peter Townshend
Retired Archdeacon
The Rev’d Chris Travers
On Leave


The Rev’d Phil Uptgrove
Retired Priest


The Ven. Kim Van Allen
Archdeacon Emeritus
The Rev’d Ann Veyvara-Divinski
Regional Ministry of Saugeen Shores, Chatsworth & Tara (St. Paul’s, Southampton, St. John’s, Port Elgin, St. Paul’s, Chatsworth and Christ Church, Tara)


The Rev’d Margaret Walker
St. George’s, New Hamburg; St. Colomba’s, Waterloo; St. James, Wilmot Chapel of Ease
The Rev’d Bert Walls
Retired Deacon
The Rev’d Fred Walther
Christ Church, Ayr
The Ven. Judy Walton
Retired Archdeacon (Toronto); St. George’s, The Anglican Parish of the Blue Mountains
The Rev’d Dr. Lisa Wang
The Parish of the Transfiguration (Church of the Advent, Ridgetown; St. Matthew’s, Florence; St. John-in-the-Woods, Aughrim; Christ Church, Dresden; Trinity Chapel of Ease, Howard); Developer for Catechumenal Ministries
The Rev’d Canon William Ward
St. John the Evangelist, London
The Rev’d Brian Wearne
On Leave
The Rev'd Ann Webber
St. James Westminster, London
The Rev’d Canon Nick Wells
Retired Priest, Regional Dean of Delaware
The Rev’d Canon Beverley Wheeler
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Canon Gaye Whippey
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Bill White
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Elaine Wilcox
Holy Trinity, Chatham
The Rev’d Eric Williams
Circle of Faith Parish (Church of the Messiah, Kincardine; St. Luke’s, Point Clark; St. Matthew’s, Kingarf; St. Thomas’, Walkerton)
The Rev’d Marita Williams
St. James', Cambridge
The Rev’d Andrew Wilson
On Leave
The Rev’d Dr. Tom Wilson
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Deborah Wilson-Safa
St. John’s, Leamington
The Rev'd Mark Wilton
Priest Assistant to the Territorial Archdeacon of the South
The Rev’d Ted Winter
Old St. Paul’s, Woodstock
The Rev’d Mary Wood
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Paul Woolley
Christ Church, Forest


The Rev’d Stephen Yeo
St. Hilda's-St. Luke's, St. Thomas
The Rev’d Christine Young
Retired Priest