Clergy Emails M-P


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The Rev’d Catherine MacKendrick
St. Matthew’s, Windsor
The Rev’d Luanne MacPherson
On Leave
The Rev’d Canon Dr. Gordon Maitland
St. John’s (Sandwich), Windsor; Canon Catechist
The Rev'd Steven Maki
Holy Trinity-St. Paul's, Chatham
The Rev’d Sharla Malliff
St. Georges of Forest Hill, Kitchener
The Rev’d Dr. Wayne Malott
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Sue Malpus
Retired Priest
The Rev’d John Maroney
Christ Church, Chatham; Church of the Ascension, Comber; Regional Dean of Kent
Brother John CFC (The Rev'd John-Paul Markides)
Priest Assistant under the direction of the Territorial Archdeacon
The Rev’d Matt Martin
Chaplain, Huron University College; St. John The Evangelist Collegiate Chapel, London
The Rev'd Patrick Martin
St. John's, Tillsonburg
The Rev’d Enrique Martinez
St. Andrew Memorial, London
The Rev’d Jon Massimi
On Leave
The Rev'd Bob Masters
All Saints, Windsor; St. Augustine of Canterbury, Windsor
The Ven. Dr. Ronald Matthewman
Retired Archdeacon
The Rev’d Ian McAlpine
Retired Priest; Church of the Ascension, Kinlough
The Ven. Dr. Stephen McClatchie
Archdeacon, Episcopal Office
The Rev'd Carol McCurdy
St. George's, Owen Sound
The Rev'd Allie McDougall
St. Paul's, Stratford; St. James, Stratford; St. Stephen's, Stratford; St. James, St. Marys
Brother Mark OSA (The Rev’d Bro. John A. McIntosh)
St. George’s of Forest Hill, Kitchener
The Rev’d Wendy Mencel
Trivit Memorial, Exeter
The Rev’d Canon Adèle Miles
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Catherine Miller
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Anne Mills
Retired Priest
The Very Rev’d Paul Millward
Retired Dean of Huron; Epiphany, Woodstock 
The Rev’d Canon Dr. W. Lorne Mitchell
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Victoria Mouck
Church of the Epiphany, Kingsville
The Rev’d Dr. Gerry Mueller
Retired Priest; St. Andrew’s Memorial, Kitchener
The Rev’d Jordan Murray
St. Aidan's, London; Luke's Place, London 
The Rev’d Kim Myer
St. John the Evangelist, Leamington
The Rev’d Dr. Len Myers
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Dr. Margaret Myers
Retired Priest


The Rev’d Karen Nelles
Canon Davis Memorial, Sarnia; St. Bartholomew's, Sarnia
The Rev’d Canon Keith Nethery
Retired Priest
The Rev’d John Neu
Retired Clergy
Captain the Rev’d Meghan Nicholls
On Leave, Serving as Military Captain
The Rev’d Dr. Gary Nicolosi
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Dale Nikkel
St. George’s, London
The Rev’d Canon Linda Nixon
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Patricia Nunn
Retired Priest; Christ Church, Port Stanley


The Most Rev’d Percy O’Driscoll
Retired Archbishop of Huron & Metropolitan of Ontario
The Rev’d John M. Odell
On Leave
The Rev’d John Ogilvie
St. Mark’s, Brantford
The Rev'd Canon Dr Osita Oluigbo
Church of the Ascension, London; St. Mark's, London
The Rev’d Andra Townshend O’Neill
St. George's, Middlesex


The Rev'd Robert Park
St. Mark's, Brantford
Lt. Commander the Rev’d Robert Parker
On Leave, Serving Military as Chaplain
The Rev’d Dr. Preston Parsons
St. John the Evangelist, Kitchener; Canon Theologian
The Rev’d Noel Paterson
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Fay Patterson
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Canon Tom Patterson
St. James, Stratford
The Rev’d Colin Pearce
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Derek Perry
Retired Priest
The Ven. Tanya Phibbs
Archdeacon of Huron; Executive Archdeacon & Registrar; acting Secretary/Treasurer
The Rev’d Doug Pizzey
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Paul Poolton
Trinity, Cambridge
The Rev’d Jason Postma
On Leave
The Rev’d Lisa Poultney
Christ Church, Amherstburg; Christ Church, Colchester
The Rev’d Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt
St. James, Cambridge