Clergy Emails I-L


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The Rev’d Jim Innes
Regional Ministry of South Huron (St. John’s-by-the-Lake, Grand Bend and St. Anne’s, Port Franks)
The Rev’d Carrie Irwin
Regional Ministry of Saugeen Shores, Chatsworth & Tara (St. Paul’s, Southampton, St. John’s, Port Elgin, St. Paul’s, Chatsworth and Christ Church, Tara); Regional Dean of the Saugeens; Canon Catechist of Huron


The Rev’d Canon Laverne Jacobs
Retired Priest; St. John the Baptist, Walpole Island
The Rev’d Anne Jaikaran
Retired Priest
The Rev'd Canon Dr. Greg Jenkins
Church of the Holy Saviour, Waterloo
The Rev’d Ray Jenkins
Retired Priest
The Ven. L. Rick Jones
Eastwood/Princeton/Oxford Centre
The Ven. Dr. Richard A. Jones
Retired Archdeacon
The Rev’d Fr. David Joyce
Retired Priest; St. John's, Tillsonburg


The Ven. Willi K. F. Kammerer
Retired Archdeacon Emeritus
The Rev'd Marty Keatings
St. James, Ingersoll
The Rev’d Canon Dr. Valerie Kenyon
St. Anne’s (Byron), London; Regional Dean of London; Honorary Clerical Secretary
The Rev’d Matthew Kieswetter
St. Andrew’s Memorial, Kitchener; Regional Dean of Waterloo; Chaplain & Co-ordinator, Post-Ordination Training
The Rev'd Canon Mark Kinghan
Trinity, Aylmer
The Ven. Dr. Jawn Kolohon
Retired Archdeacon
The Rev’d Canon E. Karen Kovats
St. Thomas the Apostle, Cambridge
The Rev’d Alan Knight
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Jeff Kischak
Christ Church, Markdale; St. James, Fairmount; Trinity Chuch, Durham


The Rev’d Dr. Virginia Lane
Retired Priest; St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London
The Rev’d Canon Dr. Lizette Larson-Miller
Canon Precentor and Diocesan Liturgical Officer
The Rev’d Canon Robert Lemon
St. James, Stratford; St. Paul's, Stratford; St. Stephen's, Stratford; Regional Dean of Huron-Perth
The Rev’d Peter Leonard
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Marty Levesque
All Saints’, Waterloo
The Rev’d Laura Lightfoot
On Leave
The Rev’d Greg Little
St. John the Evangelist, Strathroy
The Rev’d Quenton Little
St. Peter's, Dorchester; Parish of the Thames; Regional Dean of Oxford
The Ven. Allan Livingstone
Retired Archdeacon
The Rev'd Agustin III Lizardo
St. John the Evangelist Filipino Community, London
The Ven. Amanda Longmoore
St. John in the Wilderness, Bright's Grove; Regional Dean of Lambton; Archdeacon of the West
The Rev’d Gene Lotz
St. Augustine of Canterbury, Windsor
The Rev'd Dr. Craig Love
St. Luke's, Cambridge; St. Thomas the Apostle, Cambridge
The Rev’d Mark Loyal
St. George's, Owen Sound; Canon Catechist
The Rev’d Katherine Loynd
Retired Priest; Christ Church, Huntingford
The Rev’d Rob Luxton
St. John the Divine, Arva
The Rev’d Canon Janet Lynall
Retired Priest
The Rev’d Canon Robin Lyons
Retired Priest