The properties owned by the Diocese of Huron are a significant part of the overall resources of the Diocese, both existing and potential. All property is held centrally by the Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron and not by individual parishes. Property was discussed under Just Church because of the principle of intergenerational equity (see above) as well as with respect to the environmental crisis. It is also connected to both the Learning Church (where there is potential for theological study and practical education) and Diverse Church, in the sense that a more diverse congregation may well require additional or different space in which to worship and gather for fellowship.

The property resources of the Diocese are held in common by the whole Diocese. We want and need to maintain a vital and viable Anglican presence in rural and regional areas. This means that some churches will merge or close. Such decisions can be made in a holistic manner, with clear input from the parishes in question, Synodical committees, and territorial and non-territorial Archdeacons. The authority for such decisions rests ultimately with the Bishop of Huron, who must concur with all motions passed by Synod and Diocesan Council. At times, the needs of an individual parish may predominate. At other times, however, it may be the needs of the region as a whole. While the sale of properties is an important source of potential revenue, it is finite. In certain circumstances, the Diocese may need to care for certain properties for a time and let them lay fallow in order to allow us to retain a foothold in particular locations or regions. Finally, we have an obligation to ensure that cemeteries are cared for in perpetuity (although not necessarily by the Diocese).