Like Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Camp Huron is a common resource available for the whole Diocese.

This beautiful property, situated on the shores of Lake Huron has been a place of joy, growth and safety for generations of children and young people. Many of our current leaders, lay and ordained, became closer to God and developed life-long friendships through the ministry of Camp Huron.  The camp continues to be one of the principal vehicles of ministry to the children and young people of our Diocese, not only to those who are in some way attached to our churches but to others who attend simply for a camp experience. At the Camp they are introduced to the God who created them. For parishes with few children or youth, supporting the Camp provides a way to be faithful in passing on our faith to those who will follow

Most camps, religious or not, have struggled to overcome the impact of the pandemic.  Children, and parents, are more hesitant about overnight camps.  The camp continues to recover from two full seasons without camp and another where it was only able to operate for part of the summer. Creative solutions are needed to ensure the future of the camp.

The Camp Board and the Bishop are considering incorporating Camp Huron as a separate charitable entity.  While the camp would continue to be a Christian Camp, a separate corporate identity would assist in qualifying for grants and in fundraising.  A plan is being developed to invest in this sacred place---to expand into a three season facility that can be used by parishes and the diocese for retreats and other gatherings as well as rented to outside groups. Imagine part of the Camp holding a Reconciliation and Healing Centre, offering sabbath, healing and recovery for all.

Camp Huron is part of the legacy that our forebears in this Diocese have left for us.  We are committed to passing this legacy on to future generations of campers, staff, and other who will use new facilities in a new way to share the beauty of creation and the love of the Creator.