OUR HOPE is an eschatological hope, not focussed on material or worldly measures of success but on the Resurrection promise of the abundant life of the New Creation. We may fear the call to decisiveness embedded in Turning to Grace, just as we may fear the encroachments of secularity, but amidst our fear we remember that there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).

Beginning with the 2020 Charge to Synod, “Living Hope: Our Identity and Mission in Christ,” we have articulated a Strategic Goal:

To shift the centre of gravity in the Diocese of Huron from operations to renewal and new creation; better revealing the marks of mission by becoming a learning church, a just church, a diverse church, a new church.

These aspirations form the basis of Turning to Grace: three pillars supporting an overarching emphasis on the newness and freshness of God’s Resurrection promise and built on the foundation of strategic stewardship and resource allocation. It articulates acts and actions and proposes multiple “ways [by which] we will begin to renew operations and shift energy to Christian practices in our diocesan structures” (“Yielding to the Life of the Spirit,” Bishop’s Charge To Synod, 2021).