The One who has promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23b).

IN GOD'S CREATION, change is constant. The world is in a constant state of flux. Not all change is for the better but, when it is rooted in God’s continuing creative and redemptive activity, it is always good. Within this work of God, we are summoned faithfully to feel our way forward, to map, assess, and learn from the swirling and flowing patterns of God’s work and to intentionally participate in it.

This plan is an attempt to do this, together. Without a plan, we respond to the events and circumstances around us largely by reaction or out of fear. To plan well is an act of hope, it is to introduce an element of self-determination in the choices that we have made, are making, and will make.  Turning to Grace is deliberately not called a “strategic plan,” which has very business-like and secular connotations, although in many respects that is exactly what it is. However, the Diocese of Huron is not primarily a market-driven business. It is a Church, the gathered Body of Christ in this place.

[W]hen we speak of “Strategic Directions” for the church, or a “Strategic Plan” for the Diocese of Huron, we can never forget that it is not our direction, it is not our plan. It is God’s plan. It is God’s mission and we are trying to be led by it so that we can participate in it. (“Together on the Road with Christ,” Bishop’s Charge To Synod, 2022.)

Turning to Grace
Our Diocesan Plan 2024-2034

The One who has promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23b).

Without a plan, we respond to the events and circumstances around us largely by reaction or out of fear. To plan well is an act of hope, it is to introduce an element of self-determination in the choices that we have made, are making, and will make.  

Turning to Grace is deliberately not called a “strategic plan,” which has very business-like and secular connotations, although in many respects that is exactly what it is. However, the Diocese of Huron is not primarily a market-driven business. It is a Church, the gathered Body of Christ in this place.

[W]hen we speak of “Strategic Directions” for the church, or a “Strategic Plan” for the Diocese of Huron, we can never forget that it is not our direction, it is not our plan. It is God’s plan. It is God’s mission and we are trying to be led by it so that we can participate in it. (“Together on the Road with Christ,” Bishop’s Charge To Synod, 2022.)

(Illustration: Ewostatewos and Eight of His Disciples, Triptych,  Ethiopia, North of Gojjam province, late 17th century)