MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque THE FALL of the Bro-man empire has been quick, but Blue Skies are ahead. Over a million people...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes IN THE LATE 19th century, a complex individual was born on January 14, 1875, in a small village in...
INDUCTION On behalf of Bishop Townshend, the Venerable Jane Humphreys will induct the Reverend Bob Masters as the Rector of All...
LAND & PROPERTY COMMITTEE: NEXT APPLICATION DEADLINE is JANUARY 31. Applications to be sent to the Committee Chair David Warren...
CHANGES ARE COMING TO ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL: A community that has chosen to be disrupted, disturbed and even uncomfortable as it has...
APPOINTMENTS Bishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Bill Graham as the Interim Priest-in-charge of Holy Trinity, St. George, effective...
A cow and a calf: Enough for five to seven litres of milk a day - a true blessing for the children on a farm in Holguin. The...
By Susan Johnson ONE OF MY FAVOURITE bookmarks says, “Prayer Changes Things”. It’s a good reminder for me that I need to spend more...
The new name pairs well with the PWRDF existing icon. This continuity will improve brand recognition as we transition to Alongside...
Christmas at St. George's of the Blue Mountains: It was a very welcoming surprise with attendees in numbers that we hadn't seen since...
A VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW By Rev. Canon Christopher B. J. Pratt AT AN EARLY STAGE in my ministry, I was given the opportunity by my...
“Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and...
Consider reading Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism”. This text could also...
AS I SEE IT By Rev. Jim Innes I AM RETURNING to an article called Waiting to Exhale that I wrote and published 10 years ago to the...
MEDIA BYTES By Rev. Marty Levesque ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) has made significant strides in image generation in recent years,...