April 20, 2022 Dear members of the Diocese of Huron, Today we received the news that Archbishop Mark MacDonald has resigned as...
RESIGNATION Bishop Townshend has accepted the request of the Reverend Andra O’Neill to resign as the Rector of St. Mark’s, London,...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend announces that the Reverend Dr. Craig Love, having successfully completed his curacy, is now the Rector of...
INDUCTION On behalf of Bishop Townshend, the Venerable Jane Humphreys will induct the Reverend Steven Maki as the Rector of Holy...
ORDINATION Bishop Townshend announces that the following will be called to the Presbyterate at a service of Ordination to be held...
APPOINTMENTS Bishop Todd announces the following interim appointment:The Reverend Canon Tony Bouwmeester as Interim Priest-in-charge...
APPOINTMENTS Bishop Townshend appoints the Venerable Janet Griffith-Clarke as the Interim Archdeacon of the East (Deaneries of...
APPOINTMENTSBishop Townshend confirms the continuing appointment of the Venerable Amanda Longmoore as the Archdeacon of...
COMMISSARY Archdeacon Tanya Phibbs will be Commissary for Bishop Townshend from January 2 through January 7 while he is on...
INDUCTION On behalf of Bishop Townshend, the Venerable Jane Humphreys will induct the Reverend Bob Masters as the Rector of All...
APPOINTMENTS Bishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Bill Graham as the Interim Priest-in-charge of Holy Trinity, St. George, effective...
DECONSECRATION Bishop Townshend will preside at a service of Deconsecration of the former parish Church of St. Luke the Evangelist,...
INDUCTIONOn behalf of Bishop Townshend, the Venerable Jane Humphreys will induct the Reverend Jamie Baxter as the...
APPOINTMENTS Bishop Townshend announces that the Reverend Gilles Haché, having successfully completed his curacy, is now the Rector of...
APPOINTMENTS Bishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Rob Henderson as the Rector of St Aidan’s, London, effective 1 April 2025. ...
INDUCTIONS On behalf of Bishop Townshend, the Venerable Jane Humphreys will induct the Reverend Jamie Baxter as the Rector of St...
INDUCTIONS On behalf of Bishop Townshend, the Venerable Jane Humphreys will induct the Reverend Gilles Haché as the Rector of St...
DECONSECRATIONS Bishop Townshend will preside at a service of Deconsecration of St. Bartholomew’s, Sarnia, at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, 9...