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By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon

Forgive the abruptness of this headline.

We are not trying to be impolite, or insensitive in any way, however, we would not recommend spending the time to read this article if you are not a curious person, interested in learning and growing, open to new perspectives with a bit of time and energy to invest in your faith and in reflecting on those questions, nagging and otherwise, that arise for you from time to time. For you see, it’s Spring, finally, and with this season, as we see the new life and freshness all around us, it is also the time of year that we begin to look ahead to plan for upcoming Education for Ministry sessions in our Diocese. It is a time of planting seeds.

Over the past months we have shared about what a new participant in EfM might expect to find as they begin their studies.

  • We have spoken of letting go of the old to make room for the new, and of allowing God to work deeply into the soil of our souls to change, shape and enrich us.

  • We have outlined the practice of making space to ask questions and to honour in ourselves and in others, what it is to wonder together.

  • We have considered what it is to celebrate the light of Christ in our lives, waiting for it, saying yes to it, acknowledging that encounters with this light and with Christ will change us fundamentally.

  • We have recognized that God can and does use the challenging times of our lives to take us in certain directions, understanding that drawing closer to God is not a one-time happenstance but rather a process, where there could well be wrestling and mystery, yet a process in which there is great value in engaging.

  • We have recalled that the life of the baptized, the disciple of Jesus, and our call to love, serve and minister are without doubt improved by intentionally and conscientiously setting our hearts, our minds and our energies in that direction, in the company of like-minded travelers.

Having considered all of this, if learning more does interest you (thank you for NOT putting this article down), we will be holding a number of virtual Open Houses to share with you more fully all that is available at EfM. Please consider joining us on Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday, May 22, Tuesday, June 18, or Monday, August 26. 

To register for any of these Open Houses or to speak about an Open House for your parish, please reach out to either Libi Clifford, the Diocese of Huron EfM Coordinator or me Val Kenyon at

Rev. Canon Dr. Val Kenyon is EFM Animator in Huron.