THE ACTS AND ACTIVITIES that will support the Learning Church are designed to foster and encourage spiritual development and small-group learning in every community and region in a way that will be sustainable for the long haul. Such groups are based on four basic principles: that they are prayer-centred, Christ-centred, biblically guided, and mutually supportive. Such groups should gather for a short period of time (four to eight weeks) before being reconfigured and, ideally, multiplied by changing membership and adding new groups.

There will be opportunities for leadership and vocational development for both laity and clergy. We know that even at present there are not ordained clergy in all areas of the Diocese or present in the parish every week. We recognise, therefore, the importance of raising up more lay leaders. To this end, we will endeavour to maximise the teaching and learning (evangelizing and sacramentalizing) potential of threshold opportunities in parishes (First Communion, Confirmation, funerals) as well as take advantage of episcopal visits across the Diocese. 

We will develop an integrated pattern of learning and formation for clergy, from initial inquiry and postulancy through the early years of ordination and beyond. This will reect a communal commitment to and focus on deepening our understanding of the bible, liturgy, theology, history, and Christian practices. A plan for life-long learning will be required of all who hold the licence of the Bishop. This will be supported and guided by the Archdeacon of Life-Long Learning and Vocational Development as well as by other Catechists and guides.

Although the Learning Church is about the completion of degrees or certificates, the three colleges long associated with the Diocese of Huron—Huron, Canterbury, and Renison—have an important role to play in this Pillar. Existing groups and organisations that foster theological education and prayer (Education for Ministry [EfM], the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer, etc.) will also continue to support the Learning Church.