By Rev. Kim Myer
We are entering into the season of Lent, the 40 days before Easter beginning on March 3, Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday is the day that is set aside so we, as disciples of Christ, can seek forgiveness. We are reminded that we are finite, and that one day we will return to the dust. “You are dust, and to dust you shall return” (BAS pg. 586), and this is symbolized with ashes placed on our foreheads as a reminder.
Lent has been set aside for us to renew our own spiritual practices. Taking the time for self-examination, prayer, almsgiving and fasting.
Some give up something for Lent like gossiping, sweets, alcohol or coffee for health reasons. Others take something on to help them focus on God and God’s creation like using less natural resources like water and hydro, or volunteering to help those who are struggling in life at this moment. Maybe exercise or reading the Bible daily are other ways to deepen your Lenten experience. Whatever you do, do it to bring you closer to God.
If prayer is not something you do regularly I would like to invite you to spend Lent in Prayer. Talking and listening to God, Jesus, or The Holy Spirit and building a stronger relationship. Taking the time with God by reading the scriptures and meditating on its meaning for our own lives can help us discern our faith, and help us to reflect on our need for God.
Lent is a time of renewal and hope. It is the time to experience how Jesus Christ lived his life, what it means for us that he died for us and how we live that out in our own lives. In the early church Lent was a time of formation for new believers and yet I think we can benefit with the continuation of formation in our own lives since this is a journey and we have not yet reached our destination. We never quit learning and growing in our faith.
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Rev. Kim Myer is the rector of The Parish of St. Stephen's and Church of the Redeemer, Oldcastle / Colchester North, and an AFP Executive.