Delegates will have two options: to attend 2022 Synod in person, or to participate via Zoom. Observers will be able to watch the live-stream through diocesan website and Facebook page.
The 182nd Synod of the Diocese of Huron will be held on May 15 and 16.
After two on-line synods, we are looking forward to gathering together to worship, to learn, to share and to carry out the business of the Diocese.
Sunday evening will begin with the Synod BBQ at 5pm followed by the Synod service at 7pm, both at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul.
On Monday, our venue switches to the RBC Center (formerly known as the London Convention Centre) for a one-day meeting ending in the late afternoon.
In order to keep numbers down this year, observers will not be permitted to attend Synod in person and there will be no vendor or ministry tables. Not having the evening banquet will allow us to use more of the space on the second floor for the meeting so that tables can be further spread out with fewer people at each table.
Depending on COVID-19 case counts in the area at the time of Synod, it is likely that masks will be required except when eating or drinking.
This will be for many of us the first time we have gathered in a group larger than our parish worship. Our goal is to make Synod as safe as possible.
As well as fewer people in a larger space and the wearing of masks, the Synod Organizational Committee is also developing contingency plans should a delegate develop symptoms of COVID-19 while in London for Synod. As usual, St. John’s Ambulance will be on site to assist with any illnesses or injuries.
Even with the added precautions, it is understandable that some clergy or lay delegates may be uncomfortable attending a gathering of this size.
A hybrid option, where delegates can attend virtually from their homes will be in place. This option will allow delegates not only to see and hear Synod but to vote and to speak too.
Observers will be able to watch the live-stream of Synod through our diocesan website and Facebook page.
Regardless of whether delegates attend Synod in person or through the use of technology, we ask that people throughout the diocese hold the gathering of Synod in your prayers, that all may be open to God leading us “Together on the Road with Christ.”