by Rev. Val Kenyon
Close to the heart of what it means to be human lies the dynamic process of finding and making meaning in our lives.
(Ernest Becker, The Structure of Evil)
If you are anything like me, I find that I am often trying to make sense of things, whether listening to the news, reading a book filled with new and sometimes challenging ideas, or just balancing household accounts.
As the quote above states, making meaning in our lives is just part of what it is to be human. This idea seems very closely linked to a topic we hear more and more about in these times of great change, the idea of being a life-long learner.
I recently heard of the times in which we live described as “a permanent white-water society …[in which] we are white-water rafting through the rapids of social, technological, and demographic change.” (Thomas R. Hawkins, The Learning Congregation: A New Vision of Leadership) It is easy in times likes this to feel sometimes ill equipped for the tasks before us often leading us to look for more information, a greater, a fresher, more informed understanding of ourselves and the wider world. Experts tell us that while many of us seek out learning opportunities to master a new skill, as adults we are most often motivated by a desire to come to a better understanding of ourselves, who we are, and who we are becoming.
As Christians and disciples of Jesus this is particularly important and while the process may be a gradual one, we are called on all levels to become the people God wants us to be and to use our gifts to serve God and serve others wherever we find ourselves. Why not consider making Education for Ministry one way in which you explore with others these times in which we live, and how we all might participate with God in God’s ongoing mission? At the core of the EfM approach is the regular practice and habit of reflecting theologically, that is of reflecting on where God can be found all around us, and what we can learn by paying attention.
While new classes will not be starting until the Fall why not inquire now to discuss the possibilities. Libi Clifford, the Diocese of Huron EfM Coordinator or myself Val Kenyon can be reached at and are always pleased to answer any questions you might have.
Rev. Val Kenyon is EfM Animator in Huron.
(Featured photo: Sharon McCutcheon/Unsplash)