This year the Diocese of Huron is joining the Anglican Foundation of Canada's Say Yes! to Kids movement with our very own Diocese of Huron Says Yes! to Camp Huron fundraising team.
Huron Anglicans are blessed with a beautiful camp which offers young people in our diocese an active, unplugged, and unforgettable camping experience where they are given the opportunity to come to know and love God.
Camp Huron believes that no child should be turned away because of their financial circumstances. Through generous bursary programs, the people of Huron have a long history of reducing financial barriers to attending camp, but the demand grows every year.
This spring, I am inviting all Huron Anglicans to join me in building up camp bursaries so that the summer 2024 camping season can benefit as many children as possible. And for every $20 donated to our Huron Says Yes! team, $4 will support the Anglican Foundation's grants to national youth ministries.
You can support the Diocese of Huron Says Yes! to Camp Huron team in three ways:
Celebrate a Say Yes! to Kids Sunday in your church on June 2, or any other Sunday in June, with the help of the liturgical resource developed by AFC.
Make a donation to our team here: DONATE NOW
Pray for the success of this year's Say Yes! to Kids campaign and for youth ministries in your community, our diocese, and across the Anglican Church of Canada.
Please give generously to this year's Say Yes! to Camp Huron campaign and help to grow a brighter future for young people in the Diocese of Huron and beyond.
Thank you!
The Right Reverend Todd Townshend Bishop of Huron
P.S. You can also mail a cheque, payable to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, with "Huron Says Yes!" in the memo line to the address below. Or watch for your Spring AFC newsletter and make your donation using the donation form and business reply envelope.
