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On April 27, fifteen volunteers moved storage boxes so that new walls could be painted

The Rebuild project at Holy Saviour Church in Waterloo is nearing completion.

The building was in significant need of costly work and repair, leading to the decision to renovate instead. This amazing project fits well with our mission, enhancing our ministry by providing full accessibility, welcoming offices, and an expanded and structurally sound parish hall.

While the work is being done, worship services and other programs continue to take place at the neighbouring church of our friends at Waterloo Kitchener United Mennonite Church. We are grateful for these gracious and generous hosts. We hope to be "back home" this summer, and look forward to our church building once again being a place of worship, as well as of gathering and outreach for the neighbourhood.

On April 27, fifteen volunteers moved storage boxes so that new walls could be painted. Lots of oohs and ahhs about the new nursery and choir rooms, as well as the expanded parish hall.

A few of the fundraising projects include a pancake supper, a tea and pie party before an Evensong, a talent and treasures auction, and a spring dinner May 22. So far, over $1,050,000 has been generously donated in cash, stock transfers, and pledges.

Chuck Erion