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Bishop Townshend announces that the following will be called to the Presbyterate at a service of Ordination to be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the Memorial of Boniface, Archbishop and Martyr, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s (Walkerville), Windsor.

Clergy are invited to vest, the colour being red.
•    The Rev’d Richard Mark Wilton, upon ordination, Priest Assistant to the Territorial Archdeacon of the South
Bishop Townshend announces that the following will be called to the Diaconate at a service of Ordination to be held on Thursday, May 2, 2024, the Memorial of Athanasius of Alexandria, at 7:00 p.m. at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London.

Clergy are invited to vest, the colour being white.

•    Ms Leah Arvidsson
•    Mr Barry Ferguson


Bishop Townshend appoints the Reverend Ryan Boivin as the Regional Dean of Essex, effective April 7, 2024. Ryan is the Rector of St. Mark’s-by-the-Lake, Tecumseh.