We will not hide them from their children: we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. Ps. 78:4
Welcome to the page dedicated ministry to children, families and youth. One only has to look at how things have changed during our lifetime to realize the possibilities and potential our young people have today. Those same changes and possibilities can challenge us as we minister to, with and alongside our young people, as we strive to pass on the Good News.
Whether you are a Children or Youth Ministry Leader, a parent, or a young person we hope the information we share on these pages will be helpful. Whether you need answers, connections, information or resources browsing the Children and Youth Ministry Pages may help you.
In the Diocese of Huron we faithfully strive to ensure
- that children and families are be made to feel welcome in all of our churches;
- that every family is unique and loved by God that children and families are given opportunities to grow and build strong and healthy relationships with each other and with God;
- that every child has the right to feel safe and secure at all times;that regardless of background, culture, or circumstances all children and families should be given the opportunity to participate fully in programs, groups and worship, nurture and social activities
The following resources will be of particular interest to those involved in ministering to Children and Families in congregations across Huron Diocese:

Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me. – Mark 9:37
Youth Ministry in the Diocese of Huron is as diverse as the communities throughout our vast geographic area – from city-based downtown ministry to small rural ministry in our farming communities.
For our young people this diversity turns to unity when they gather together to offer prayer, praise and their very selves to God. They want to hear the Good News, they desire to learn how to share that Gospel with their friends and they want to grow in their relationship with their God.
The Youth Committee of the Diocese of Huron is focused on offering programs and support to young people through biblical knowledge, community building, liturgical formation and learning the language that will help them share the great Gospel. Come here to find information on upcoming events and activities where you can gather with youth from across the Diocese to grow together in God’s Kingdom while having a great time– such as at Youth Conference, SOCC and CLAY.
The Committee members are also dedicated to supporting and empowering the committed volunteers and staff who priority is to minister to our young people. From connecting leaders, to national projects such as the online training tool “Trailblazing”, to training events at our annual Youth Conference as well as providing opportunities to network at our annual diocesan Youth Leaders’ Retreat Weekend, your Committee is here to support and encourage youth leaders.
Our Youth Chaplains are always available to come to support your events and studies. Ask and you will find that we are happy to send someone along to help your young people understand that the entire Diocese is behind their desire to grow in their relationship with God.
For more information or to share some exciting youth events or programs happening in your community, please contact us: dohyouthcommittee@gmail.com
Children and Youth Ministry Resource Centre
Housed at Church House is a library of Children and Youth Ministry related materials. Sections include Worship Resources, Programming Resources, Theology of Youth Ministry, and many others along with a collection of Curriculum samples. Most of these can be sign out on short loan. We encourage you check out the developing Resource List.
“Our Sacred Trust” Children and Youth Ministry Manual contains is its pages the Safe Church materials of the Diocese of Huron and they pertain to Children and Youth Ministry.
Here is a list of Children and Youth Ministry Links for leaders and for young people including everything from resource links to interesting blogs.
Here are links to some forms related to Children and Youth Ministry in Huron Diocese.
General Registration and Permission Form
Parental Permission for Use of Image
General Incident/Accident Report Form
For more information, please contact:
Huron Church House