Health & Safety Statement

The Diocese of Huron recognizes the dignity and worth of every individual and is therefore vitally concerned about the health and safety in every parish. As a result, we recognize that we have the responsibility to take all reasonable precautions to ensure safe and healthy conditions for our parishioners, workers and everyone having access to our parish premises. We take seriously our responsibilities for health and safety and as a minimum standard we comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, WHMIS, and other related legislation.

The commitment of the Diocese is that each Parish, through good management practices and paid or volunteer worker involvement, will work towards a workplace free of personal injury, occupational illness, damage to property and harm to the environment.

Wardens and their delegates will be competent and held accountable for the health and safety of the workers under their supervision. Wardens and their designates are responsible for ensuring that all diocesan work practices are safe and that workers comply with legislative requirements and established safe work procedures. Workers are entitled to adequate training in their specific work assignments for the purpose of protecting their health and safety and that of others. These principles apply equally to paid workers and volunteers.

Paid workers, volunteers, visitors, and user groups will be held accountable for adherence to this policy. All parishioners, workers and everyone having access to our parish premises, without exception, must make a personal commitment to fulfill this policy. It is our hope that everyone will do their part to eliminate the potential for accidental injuries, illnesses and losses so our ministry can be accomplished without harm to all aforementioned.

Issued by the Bishop of Huron
January 20, 2005

Health and Safety Resources