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As Chair of the PWRDF Huron, I was recently asked two questions:

1. Does PWRDF send the entire donation to the Gaza hospital or is an admin cut taken, and if so, how much?

2. How close are you to the goal or has that goal changed?

The admin taken for emergency appeals is 5%.  This is much lower than many agencies charge, and is necessary for the proper dispersal of the funds, including monitoring the use of the funds in collaboration with the partner, reporting to donors, and to CRA.

We continue to raise funds for the Anglican run Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza, and currently have no specific goal set. 

Our PWRDF Humanitarian Response Coordinator, Naba Gurung, is actively engaged in discussions and meetings with the Anglican diocese who runs the hospital, the Anglican Alliance who helps coordinate global support of the hospital, and others involved. These conversations include the targeted response for the hospital, as well as evolving a broader strategy to address the challenges faced by various related ministries in the severely impacted West Bank.

We hope to have more news next week once we receive a concrete plan from that diocese. For now, we've just recently changed the name of our fundraising response on the website to Gaza Emergency Appeal and will continue to seek funds to support what will be both emergency and rehabilitation work.

Donations are being accepted through this link.

If you're reading this, thank you so much for your interest and support of PWRDF.  With all the bad news in the world today, it helps to know there's people like you who are working towards a truly just, healthy, and peaceful world.

In Christ,
