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(Left to right) Rev. Michael Shapcott, Rev. Stephanie Donaldson, Ven. Roslyn Elm, Dr. Barry Hill who is holding a copy of the Two Row Wampum, and Rev. Canon John Witcombe.

An invitation to attend a private tour of His Majesty’s Chapel of the Mohawks in Brantford on Saturday, April 27 was a special time.

There, Dr. Barry Hill, Warden of the Chapel, Eva Tripp, Don Lynch and Sandi Tobicoe, members of the chapel Board, met with Rev. Canon John Witcombe, Dean of Coventry Cathedral, England; Rev. Michael Shapcott, Sorento, B.C.; and Rev. Stephanie Donaldson.

Using the beautiful stained-glass windows as a guide, Barry traced the history of the Six Nations of the Grand from their home in New York State, through their migration to the Grand River Valley, to the near present.  Then Ven. Roslyn Elm, chaplain of the Chapel, spoke about, and answered questions regarding some of the issues facing the Indigenous peoples today.

Sandi Tobicoe