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Between August 12 and August 31, 2019, the EPC received nearly 40 questions from clergy and laity across the Diocese. From these questions, which covered a range of topics, the committee generated four that it posed to the candidates in writing for their considered reflection and response. Those questions were:

  1. What is your vision for Huron?
  2. How would you describe your leadership style? What role do you foresee Synod playing in the administration of the Diocese?
  3. Given the wide range of positions in the church locally, nationally, and internationally on difficult issues, how will you shepherd the diverse flock that is Huron?
  4. Do you have a plan in mind to address the related issues of decline, sustainability, and mission? If so, can you speak to that plan? How would you root it in your own theology and spirituality?

You can read the candidates’ answers to these questions posted on our website: