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Next year, the church will celebrate its 135th anniversary. This June St. Andrew's will mark 60 years of the existing church building.

By Judith Creed-Salisbury 

There is a long history of the Anglican Church presence in Harrow and Colchester Ontario.

In the 18th and early 19th centuries, as settlements developed in southern Essex County, services began along Lake Erie.  As the town of Harrow started growing, due to the building of the railroad, more settlers arrived. The first Anglican service held in Harrow was in 1890 in the town hall, and in school buildings as space allowed.

Then property was purchased for $225.00 on the corner of King St. East and Church St. (present day sight), upon which was the 30-year-old Methodist Church. This church was repaired and opened on St. Andrew’s Day 1894 and consecrated as St. Andrew’s Church in1897.  

In 1905, a new church was built for $3000.00 to accommodate the ever- increasing need for space. Although the Harrow church had been part of the wider parish with Colchester and Malden, it was decided in 1951 that St. Andrew’s would be a parish on its own.

Again in 1957, talks resumed to discuss extensive renovations to the current church or if a new church was to be built. By 1962, it was decided, a new church should be built with an adequate basement and kitchen and space for the Sunday School.

A special vestry in March 1963 approved the new church and the old building was sold to the Harrow Slovak Pentecostal congregation. It was then moved to the other side of Harrow where it remains today.

While the new church was being built, services were held in the Lutheran church until July 5,1964 when the new St. Andrew’s church building was dedicated.

The same architect that built St. Michael and All Angels in London, was hired to build St. Andrew’s, with a few modifications, for about $79,000.

In 2003, we again joined with Colchester and Malden to form the newly named Parish of Southern Trinity. There was one priest and several lay readers alternating services of morning prayer with eucharistic services.

Since that time, we have had a few changes to the façade of the building, but the heart and soul of the congregation has never wavered. Even with the difficulties many churches have encountered, especially during and since COVID,  St. Andrew’s keeps forging ahead in faith.

In the past, as early as 1908, our women’s ACW and Guilds provided lunches, baked goods and in general raising money. Today, our Community Life and Growth group (men and women), raise funds for the church and outreach by making and selling meat pies and serving lunches. 

In addition, our church facilities are used for the local afterschool program for children KD-grade 8; a group of wonderful people who turn milk bags into much needed sleeping matts for poorer countries; and a quilting group who meet regularly to sew lovely, quilted items.   

In 1990, we celebrated our 100th anniversary as a church in Harrow. This year we are celebrating our church buildings 60th anniversary June 29-30, 2024.

All present and former members, all former rectors and deacons, all family and friends are invited to join us for the weekend.

On June 29, 1-4 pm there will be an Open House Reception at the church with refreshments, memorabilia, fellowship and a presentation of a new mural.

On June 30, at 9:30 am, Ven. Jane Humphryes and Rev. Canon Ann Smith will hold a service of rededication with lunch and a time of fellowship to follow.

For further information email

Judith Creed-Salisbury is a St. Andrew’s Harrow parishioner.