RESOURCES: Indignous Ally Kit; Indigenous Territories (Maps); What Can I Do?

Orange Shirt Day was created as an opportunity to discuss the effects of residential schools and their legacy. It honours the experiences of Indigenous Peoples, celebrates resilience and affirms a commitment that every child matters. Residential schools are not a thing from a far off past; the last one closed in 1996 (26 years ago). Many survivors are still coping with the trauma from their time at the schools, including physical and sexual abuse. The intergenerational impact is still felt through communities.   

More than 150,000 First Nations, Métis and Inuit children attended Indian residential schools in Canada between the late 1800s and 1996. These schools were operated by the Canadian government and church organizations and were part of Canada’s official policy that aimed to eliminate Indigenous Peoples’ languages and cultures and, through assimilation, cause them to cease to exist as distinct peoples. It is estimated that between four to six thousand children died at residential schools.

Orange Shirt Day references a real orange shirt taken from a residential school survivor! 



LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF CREATION - SERMON SUGGESTIONS (Sunday, September 4, through Sunday, October 2, 2022)

Orange Shirt Day was created as an oportunity to discuss the effects of residential schools and their legacy. It honours the experiences of Indigenous Peoples, celebrates resilience and affirms a commitment that every child matters. Residential schools are not a thing from a far off past; the last one closed in 1996 (26 years ago). Many survivors are still coping with the trauma from their time at the schools, including physical and sexual abuse. The intergenerational impact is still felt through communities.   

More than 150,000 First Nations, Métis and Inuit children attended Indian residential schools in Canada between the late 1800s and 1996. These schools were operated by the Canadian government and church organizations and were part of Canada’s official policy that aimed to eliminate Indigenous Peoples’ languages and cultures and, through assimilation, cause them to cease to exist as distinct peoples. It is estimated that between four to six thousand children died at residential schools.

Orange Shirt Day references a real orange shirt taken from a residential school survivor! 

The theme for the 2022 Season of Creation is “Listen to the Voice of Creation”.

Can we agree that Creation has a voice? Can we agree that there is something in Creation from which we can learn? How might we tap into that wisdom? Where can we go to help us centre our thoughts and reflections about nature?

In support of this journey, Social and Ecological Justice Huron is suggesting exploring the book Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer.

This book brings wisdom from multiple perspectives through profound story telling to invite us to listen more carefully at the world around us and how we choose to engage in relationship with creation and all it contains. This resource is designed to support a conversation with this text in small groups or independently.

To enable a five-week exploration, we are focusing on one chapter in each of the five sections. All are encouraged to read the entire book as you are able as it is filled with wonder, beauty, and wisdom. Our hope is that, through this text, people will find ways to listen to the voice of creation all around us.

If you are interested, we have created some notes for a five week study and are happy to share them with you. Please keep an eye open on our Facebook page for weekly posts about this study:

If you would like a pdf copy of our study, please email Caroline Sharp at 

SEASON OF CREATION: a list of practical actions that can be done by individuals and communities.



Social and Ecological Justice Huron would like to offer some resources for ministry during this time.  Here are 2 foci to help engage individuals and congregations:

1) To further support the Bishops in advocating for a universal guaranteed basic income we offer a letter (PDF) (WORD) which individuals can send to their MPs.  We encourage communicating with MPPs and local councillors as well as these issues span the spectrum.

2) Recognizing that many continue to struggle with food insecurity, we are inviting individuals and congregations to consider providing seedlings and container gardens to those who use food banks.  Information on what this might look like is included in the attachment (OPEN HERE).  Worship for Easter 6 includes a focus on gardening and an invitation to this task.  The link for this short service of the word is included HERE.


Tips for Moving Away from Single Use Plastics:
At Diocesan Synod in May 2019, a motion was passed challenging all parishes to reduce the purchase of products with single use plastics including rigid foam and to end such purchases by the beginning of 2023. Social & Ecological Justice Huron offers a few tips for moving away from singe use plastics. Click here to download 

Honouring the motion to Huron Synod 2018 on water:
Social & Ecological Justice Huron offers a few ideas on how you and your parish might continue education regarding Indigenous and Biblical teachings of how to respect and look after Mother Earth, through our place ‘in and with’ not ‘over’ Creation. Click here to download


Social Justice Huron is a voice speaking with others, to educate, empower and bring about change in ourselves, our church, our society and our world.


Praying Voices – to develop an authentic spirituality for social justice

Striving to authentically live what we teach by connecting in new ways to God’s call to love our neighbours. We gather and share people’s stories encouraging greater understanding and empathy, Bible studies focus on social justice messages and liturgical resources that celebrate and inspire.

Singing Voices – to communicate successful social justice ministry within our diocese

Social justice ministries currently are being done throughout Huron Diocese. We lift up these ministries, gathering and disseminating stories and statistics about them to inform, challenge and inspire each other.

Partnered Voices – to build partnerships for effective social justice work

We are not alone. God has given us the gift of each other. Collaboration gives strength and increases the impact of our work. We identify and connect with potential partners and provide information about partners and tools for developing partnerships.

Empowering Voices – to provide tools to promote awareness of social justice ministry

Our vision deliberately includes engaging our society and our world. We communicate who we are and why we are doing what we choose to do. We provide resources that include ways to communicate our actions and purposes to the wider community.


These links are provided for information only. Social Justice Huron does not necessarily endorse their views or policies.

For more information, please contact:

The Rev’d Chris Brouillard-Coyle
Co-Coordinator, Social Justice Huron

Nancy Harvey
Co-Coordinator, Social Justice Huron

Caroline Sharp
Co-Coordinator, Social Justice Huron