Prison Ministry and the Labyrinth have a shared sacred meaning of the complex paths of returning to the community after a criminal offence.  With prayer and compassionate acts of kindness the burdens of the journey are eased.

Our interventions are in the context of Restorative Practices:

  • Worship and Eucharist celebrations in prison

  • Christian visits and accompaniment

  • Phone in-reach for prayer opportunities

  • Victim and offender support

  • Family support to children of incarcerated parents

  • Bible studies and clergy in-reach

  • Acts of restitution through community connections

  • Work release opportunities

How can I get involved?

If you feel the Holy Spirit moving, you can explore the many possible roles in being present to those in our communities who have been imprisoned for safety reasons.  First, pray for those already involved and those who are carrying the burden of consequences, and consider including them regularly in the Prayers of the People. Second, donations of items may be permitted (but limited, as items are very difficult to get into the prison). And third, consider relational opportunities with training and support. We can be messengers of mercy to the degree of our own capacities because this work is personal, as we have all been harmed or made mistakes ourselves.  Contact us and let’s have a conversation on how to get involved with the redemption work of our Lord.

Leadership Team:

Restorative Practice
Deacon Miles Schell-Rodnick 
St. John’s Anglican Cambridge (Preston)

In-Reach Coordinator
Deacon Cheryl Highmore
Trinity Anglican Church Cambridge (Galt)

Spiritual Director
The Rev. Matthew Kieswetter
St. Andrews Memorial Anglican Church Kitchener

Carolyn Pratt


St. Dismas pray with us,

God makes the sun rise and the rain fall upon both saint and sinner,

accept us as instruments in your care to those who have experienced incarceration.

(Reference to Matthew 5:45)