Lenni Lenape Algonkian Iroquoian Council of the Diocese of Huron

The Lenni Lenape Algonkian Iroquoian Council consists of representatives of the six First Nation parishes in the Anglican Diocese of Huron.

The LAIC logo consists of traditional First Nation and Christian symbolism: an Eagle Feather (representing Truth, Power, Freedom, and Balance); a white Christian cross on a blue background; and at the four cardinal points, spots of the traditional colours representing the Four Directions.

At their meeting in April 2016, members of LAIC defined their ongoing Vision and Mission, particularly in the light of the Calls to Action and recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

​A renewed mission of LAIC in keeping with the principles of mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration, that enhances our relationships and enables us to grow more fully as collaborative and co-operative partners with the Anglican Church of Canada.

1. Keep the Gospel at the centre of the Circle.
2. Respect Indigenous spirituality, recognizing and accepting all expressions of spirituality, both Christian and Traditional.
​3. Support Indigenous communities in their determination of what is right for them.
4. Foster relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and share the responsibility for maintaining those relationships.
5. Strive to safeguard the integrity of God’s creation; respect, sustain and renew the life of Mother Earth.
6. Develop ongoing education opportunities with parishes, schools, colleges, and the wider community.

TRC Resources

We hope that the following resources may help inform conversation, and contribute to the reconciliation of our Peoples.

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation:

Calls to Action:

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People:

Statement from the Canadian Anglican House of Bishops – October 2015:

Ecumenical Commitment to Call to Action #48 – March 2016:
Churches Commit to TRC Call to Action #48
Anglican Primate Fred Hiltz Statement – Let our “yes” be yes – March 2016:

Other LAIC-Huron Resources

 The Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples of Canada who have chosen to be partners in the worldwide Anglican Communion and the universal church.

Anglican Indigenous Ministries

The Council of the North
The Council of the North is a grouping of nine northern dioceses, supported through grants by General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.

The Anglican Healing Fund

The Anglican Indigenous Network
The Anglican Indigenous Network (AIN) is one of the Networks of the worldwide Anglican Communion committed to the Anglican tradition while affirming traditional spirituality.

The New England Company
A generous grant is provided by the New England Company to support the Vision and Mission of LAIC in the Diocese of Huron.

http://native-land.ca/A mapping and information resource for North Americans interested in the history and locations of First Nation communities. Links to the websites of the individual nations.

For more information, visit the Lenni Lenape, Algonkian and Iroquoian Council website.