Since 1979, the Government of Canada has allowed groups such as the Diocese of Huron to sponsor refugees, and our diocese has been active in this ministry. We were one of the pioneering groups across Canada who responded in faith to this call. Matthew 25:35 says: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” and it is because of this calling that we welcome over 100 refugees each year to find a new home throughout this diocese. The Huron Refugee Committee personifies the third Mark of Mission by responding to human need by loving service. In the last decade alone, we have sponsored and settled thousands of newcomers.


Many of our newcomers have seen war and/or violence against their beliefs, sexual orientation and/or themselves and they know what it truly means to live one day at a time. Refugee work is not easy nor accomplished in a short amount of time, money or effort but this ministry in our diocese is ongoing and successful. Churches, deaneries, ecumenical groups, community sponsors and family members seek out the Diocese of Huron as they wish to put into action their faith by welcoming and assisting strangers or family members to become proud Canadian citizens. The Huron Refugee Committee supports these groups so that they can complete the immense amount of paperwork, navigate the immigration process and feel upheld during their year of responsibility for the individuals and families who come to Canada each year.


This ministry continues to bring hope and new beginnings to many people around the world who reach out to us and also to their Canadian families giving them and their loved ones a chance for a better life. It is our faith in action.

For further information about our work, contact:

Jane Townshend, Chairperson
Anglican Diocese of Huron Refugee Committee