Day Trips and Stay Overs at Camp Huron: July 6 – August 22, 2021
Come for the Day! ($25 per car) Bring a Picnic lunch or dinner (or both!) site opens at 11:30 am and closes at sunset.
Stay Overnight! 2 night maximum, Tuesdays – Thursdays ($75 per night) or Fridays – Saturdays ($100 per night) arrive at 3 pm and depart by 11 am.
We provide a distanced camper cabin, private 3-piece washroom, picnic table, a rustic place to clean dishes, and a small spot for a campfire. You bring food, something to cook on and whatever else you need to enjoy an overnight stay.
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. In both instances there will be access to the beach and swimming (weather permitting), self-directed crafts, the bouldering wall, and archery and of course, sunshine, sunsets, lakefront breezes and starry night skies!
Go to and click on the register today pencil If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 519-434-6893 ext 217 or email