How can I start a catechumenal ministry?

Are you interested in giving it a try?  Please be in touch!  Also, there are many free, online resources available to help you, as well as many helpful books.  See below.

Do you have an adult seeking baptism?  

Many have looked to the ancient church for inspiration in forming a process of prepara-tion for these catechumens. There are three important elements of such a process:

  • Teaching: creating a safe setting for people to learn about their faith with one another
  • Liturgy: marking the various stages in the process of learning with special rites cele-brated by the whole congregation
  • Community: integrating catechumens into the congregation’s life of service and wor-ship

Please be in touch to learn more about these three elements!  Also, browse the following websites for more resources:

Do you have members of your congregation who want to learn how to live their faith?

The Episcopal Church offers a series of programs and resources called “The Way of Love”.

Resources include:

Forward Movement offers a year-long learning series, complete with curriculum and teaching videos, called “Revive”. 

The Anglican Church of Canada offers a curriculum “Becoming the Story We Tell”, de-signed to renew us in our baptismal identity and calling through reflection on story and sacrament.